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goofy antenna


Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
I think unless you plan on running 10 KW, this would be overkill.
After I fried the coil in my old super magnum, I rewound the coil on the outside of the cover with # 4 solid copper,
About like this, and now I can run my 3 KW little Bertha with it.
3000 watts .... WHO are you trying to reach??? Wait, I guess with 3000 watts ANYONE YOU WANT.


Temporarily Banned
Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Swap that antenna for a Wilson 1000M, and a difference between night and day.

I have a pair of Wilson 2000. Mid coil. Not as quiet. (BarJan, prior to RoadPro and definitely not OEM Wilson).

Haven't tried one of the Sirio 5000 pair, but I don’t expect an improvement based on using the 10k for a day on the FTL.

Big Ears trump Loud Voice.

I think it’s going to come to what radio winds up in here, finishing the RF Bond job, and finally getting an antenna analyzer.

At that point hopefully it won’t matter much for AM-19 highway, rural, maximum signal capture in daytime given 7’. That’s centerpoint of use and chasing SNR problems.

The Texas is GTG for all-purpose (12’ 10” clearance, base-load), the 10K for highway-only (as I’ll be removing it at the few stops made so it doesn’t run off).

I’ve wired for 30A max @ 3% and plan to stay to that with some headroom using 6-AWG.

I’ll leave Space-X chase vehicle to you wizards.


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Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth

Who remembers raiding Momma’s sewing kit to glue-on shiny straight pin “antennas”.

I don’t remember it either, but somewhere you know there was a kid . . . .

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Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Seems to be fair availability now for W. Starting at $390. Zero reason to allow anyone to alter settings.

IMO, add DX-901 speaker, President Digi-Mic, and CMC RF Filter

$600 of state-of-the-art kick ass TX/RX clarity.

George II FCC
at $280 needs $90 KL-203 to match power (though runs cool + has weather) and accessories would have same recommendation.

Pick yer pizen.

It’s a difference in the line-by-line features between those two.

The new Anytone AT-6666-PRO is the other contender past the Ares 2 & Q5 versions out since 2022 for SSB-capable. Q6-Pro likely has size advantage, overall, but who knows how hot it will run?

It is a good time to get some mic jack converters as from President 6-pin to AT radio FJ-45 jacks you’ll want to have 4-pin/6-pin converters. Any, to any.

Back to thread (reason for above):

Goofy Antenna King I nominate as the Signal Engineering GR-45 (now made by Lightning Antenna).

They ask you what the hekk is that thing and you come back across it with the above radios, they’ll be blown back. Next to nothing matches it except a 10k or 108”. It’s actually better in some regards. And is only 56”.


Pics of mine when I get it dialled-in.

“Goofy” ain’t when the radio can match what it can do.

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Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
View attachment 165298

With an NRC transmit (President best?), and the horizontal polarization help of a top-hat, the see-bee’r’s ain’t gonna know what hit ‘em. Ha!

Goofy looking antenna's sure seem to be in fashion lately...

I always liked just a simple whip on the top of my vehicle... but the kids need something to point at and giggle at I guess.


Temporarily Banned
Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Goofy looking antenna's sure seem to be in fashion lately...

I always liked just a simple whip on the top of my vehicle... but the kids need something to point at and giggle at I guess.

But doesn’t reach as far so it fades sooner.


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Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Imagine if you had that antenna and you were driving way up here on top of the world, how far could you talk? see link 898K views · 22K reactions | Peterbilt Roar🦁 #hills #trucking #truckdriver #usareels | So Unreal | Xavier Wulf · Tokyo Drift

Parked on Chesapeake Bay aimed the length of it. Throw an old copper/brass radiator connected with 2/0-AWG jumper cables out into the water as ground.

Work the World

(a story from another always cracked me up as I knew the location would work well. The touch of adding the radiator was genius).

Get out near a major body of water open for miles in several directions.

On the highway bridge across a part of it can be amazing.

Don’t forget the radiator off Granpa’s Model A.



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Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth

Radio is a difficulty as she can’t get a word in without learning equipment and procedure. Or prevent conversations with those not approved.

Thus there’s no reason to hold back on “goofy antenna”. Such a thing doesn’t exist, ipso facto.

(I don’t believe this, but you’ll agree it’s funny. Starting a taxidermy hobby just off the kitchen to replace the radio bench puts the lie to it per ratings).

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Active Member
Jul 14, 2021
"Antenna for Export Only"

Putting non linear devices on an antenna is not a very good idea.

Back in the days when cellular radios had antennas, aftermarket antennas with multicolor LED's were a big thing. We had just installed an 800 MHz Smartnet system in a busy south Florida city and some coverage complaints started rolling in. Police radios would not work in a sandwich shop in a strip mall. The customer clued me in to a cellular shop adjacent to it. The spectrum analyser I brought showed a bunch of grunge. We thought initially that there was a BDA interfering. With the cooperation of the shop owner we switched off breakers. The "grunge" went away on the fourth breaker. What was it? A display cabinet with about 8 LED antennas flashing on and off. The demonstrator box had 8 power oscillators in the 806 MHz band (Dont want to tear up cellular right?). The fix was easy. Don't do it ever again.

Lots and lots of this.

Adding nonlinear devices to a radiating antenna is a terrible, terrible idea. I mean sure, it looks good but a significant amount of your output is heading off to harmonics and mixing products and makes an absolute mess.



Temporarily Banned
Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
My wife has had a ham ticket for about 15 years. She still doesn't like goofy looking antennas, but is perfectly happy with a 1/4 wave VHF permanently mounted on the roof of her truck.

Just found the same study showing video gaming to be least desirable. It’s a funny prank for enthusiast sites, I’ll grant.

So, she’s all in for a MACO M105C on a 60’ Rohn tower?

Miles & miles of rhombic to work the world from a grove of telephone poles?

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Active Member
Feb 1, 2021
I scored a Stryker SR-A10 magnet mount antenna, along with one of those RCI-made General Lee radios, for $100. So, in totality, I have pennies invested, considering what I could sell the radio for. It has the goofy LEDs that light up when you transmit. It looks cool, but serves zero practical purpose.

As for how the antenna performs, I had a very stable 1.1:1 SWR across the band without making a single adjustment. That being said, it performs no better or no worse than my Tram 3500 that cost me a whopping $39 back in 2021.

Off topic, but that Tram 3500 now lives on a roof-mounted mast pipe with a custom-fabricated perch that has three 4-foot fiberglass Tram antennas fashioned as radials (hillbilly Starduster). It's a backup to my primary antenna and performs as well as any A99 or Big Stick.

Short of a 102-inch stainless steel whip, I've found the Tram 3500 to be one of the best performing mobile antennas that I've used in 30+ years of this hobby. When you consider the low cost, it's an absolute no-brainer.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
I scored a Stryker SR-A10 magnet mount antenna, along with one of those RCI-made General Lee radios, for $100. So, in totality, I have pennies invested, considering what I could sell the radio for. It has the goofy LEDs that light up when you transmit. It looks cool, but serves zero practical purpose.

As for how the antenna performs, I had a very stable 1.1:1 SWR across the band without making a single adjustment. That being said, it performs no better or no worse than my Tram 3500 that cost me a whopping $39 back in 2021.

Off topic, but that Tram 3500 now lives on a roof-mounted mast pipe with a custom-fabricated perch that has three 4-foot fiberglass Tram antennas fashioned as radials (hillbilly Starduster). It's a backup to my primary antenna and performs as well as any A99 or Big Stick.

Short of a 102-inch stainless steel whip, I've found the Tram 3500 to be one of the best performing mobile antennas that I've used in 30+ years of this hobby. When you consider the low cost, it's an absolute no-brainer.
you were in the right place at the right time I guess!

it's funny every review of the Stryker AR 10 say's the same thing that they didn't have to adjust the SWR as it was perfect out of the box.

I also LOVE my Tram 3500, I've never had a better antenna and am totally amazed how well it works... I bought mine after watching Erik from Far Point Farms do a 18.5 miles range test with a 4 watt radio to his base station... I've chatted with Erik and he has had his Tram 3500 for 7 years and not a bit of trouble ... but he bought a new Stryker AR 10 for another vehicle and said it's better than the Tram 3500... he didn't do a range test but feels it's a much better antenna.... I plan to do a range test of my Tram 3500 and my Stryker AR 10 ( some day )

sounds like you got two fantastic antenna's

at first I was wondering
how on earth are you using the magnetic tram 3500 as a base station antenna??... the magnetic mounts, on a big flat piece of metal of the car gives it the Ground plane.... so I'm guessing the three 4 foot fiberglass radials are being used for a ground plane? but you still only have a 5 foot antenna... but I guess if you get it up high enough????....
interesting.... never heard of anyone doing that.. if it works it works!
certainly didn't cost you much!

why would someone buy two nice pieces of equipment and then sell them for next to nothing?

P.S. on that Stryker ... I have heard they get water inside them quite often.... and you need to put a little silicone around something??? my Stryker is still in the box waiting for me to range test it / play with it.... but before I permeant mount it I'll silicone the heck out of everything... as I can see where water could get in where the stupid lights are.