I have a few questions about what is still active and what is not active in Guad Co and Schertz area ONLY !
1)Let's toss my easy question out there first about Guad Co SO freq/tone info and current noted usage.
Guad Co SO-1 Dig 155.437500 FM NAC 351
Guad Co SO-1 Old 155.437500 NFM DCS 546
Guad Co SO-2 Lnk 155.902500 NFM DCS 546
Guad Co SO-3 Lnk 155.827500 NFM DCS 546
My question to Don, NC5267 and John, It is your observation that GCSO CH-2 is still the most active ?
I had a guy say that he has an old analog scanner model programmed to 155.9000 and he gets GCSO-2
however, his Pro-106 programmed as above will not stop while scanning to receive 155.9025 NFN DCS-546
He can manually sit on that channel and receive GCSO-2 GREat ! So what gives? ... (he lives in Marion area).
2) What from direct listenning expirience does the City of Marion PD and FD use for communication freqs ?
I would think for PD they might share the GCSO CH-2 of 155.9025 ... does asnybody know for sure ?
I would think that for Marion FD or VFD if they have one would share or be dispatched by Guad FD South?
Guad Co FD S-Pgr 155.070000 NFM DCS 351
Guad Co FD S-Dig 155.070000 FM NAC 2A5
3)OK, Don my last questions to the official Schertz Master, no one should know better that you
about that "what is" and "what is NOT" still in active use in your neighborhood ?
Conventional Freqs:
Schertz EMS Disp 156.015000 FM CTCSS 203.5 0 No longer used ?
Schertz/CiboloFD 159.060000 FM DCS 047 7 Got 7 hits today
Schertz/CiboloPD 159.120000 FM CTCSS 203.5 0 No longer uses VHF
Schertz PubWorks 453.475000 FM CTCSS 151.4 0 No hits or wrong freq ?
Live Oak Area EDACS TRS:
SchertzCitywide1 Group 01-097 0
Schertz FD Disp Group 01-102 0 (No Hits)
Schertz FD EMS-1 Group 01-105 0 (No Hits)
Schertz PD Disp* Group 01-112 234 ( I got 234 hits in just 24 hours on this TG)
Schertz PD CH-2 Group 01-113 0
LCRA-Live Oak P25 TRS:
Schertz FD Resp Group 12096 12
Schertz FD Tac Group 12097 0
Schertz EMS Disp Group 12095 22
Schertz EMS Resp Group 12098 80
Schertz EMS CH-2 Group 12099 1
Schertz PD Disp Group 12103 316 (Same traffic as EDACS TG, dominate RX Hits though)
Schertz PD CH-2 Group 12104 0
Schertz PD CH-4 Group 12105 0
Schertz Citywide Group 12092 0
Schertz AnmlCtrl Group 12140 18
Schertz PubWorks Group 12141 0
Wow, if you made this far I am very GREatfull for any and all comments for those with boots on the ground
in the Schertz area. Please pass along what your own observations have been concerning the above !
Thank You Very Very Much !!!
1)Let's toss my easy question out there first about Guad Co SO freq/tone info and current noted usage.
Guad Co SO-1 Dig 155.437500 FM NAC 351
Guad Co SO-1 Old 155.437500 NFM DCS 546
Guad Co SO-2 Lnk 155.902500 NFM DCS 546
Guad Co SO-3 Lnk 155.827500 NFM DCS 546
My question to Don, NC5267 and John, It is your observation that GCSO CH-2 is still the most active ?
I had a guy say that he has an old analog scanner model programmed to 155.9000 and he gets GCSO-2
however, his Pro-106 programmed as above will not stop while scanning to receive 155.9025 NFN DCS-546
He can manually sit on that channel and receive GCSO-2 GREat ! So what gives? ... (he lives in Marion area).
2) What from direct listenning expirience does the City of Marion PD and FD use for communication freqs ?
I would think for PD they might share the GCSO CH-2 of 155.9025 ... does asnybody know for sure ?
I would think that for Marion FD or VFD if they have one would share or be dispatched by Guad FD South?
Guad Co FD S-Pgr 155.070000 NFM DCS 351
Guad Co FD S-Dig 155.070000 FM NAC 2A5
3)OK, Don my last questions to the official Schertz Master, no one should know better that you
about that "what is" and "what is NOT" still in active use in your neighborhood ?
Conventional Freqs:
Schertz EMS Disp 156.015000 FM CTCSS 203.5 0 No longer used ?
Schertz/CiboloFD 159.060000 FM DCS 047 7 Got 7 hits today
Schertz/CiboloPD 159.120000 FM CTCSS 203.5 0 No longer uses VHF
Schertz PubWorks 453.475000 FM CTCSS 151.4 0 No hits or wrong freq ?
Live Oak Area EDACS TRS:
SchertzCitywide1 Group 01-097 0
Schertz FD Disp Group 01-102 0 (No Hits)
Schertz FD EMS-1 Group 01-105 0 (No Hits)
Schertz PD Disp* Group 01-112 234 ( I got 234 hits in just 24 hours on this TG)
Schertz PD CH-2 Group 01-113 0
LCRA-Live Oak P25 TRS:
Schertz FD Resp Group 12096 12
Schertz FD Tac Group 12097 0
Schertz EMS Disp Group 12095 22
Schertz EMS Resp Group 12098 80
Schertz EMS CH-2 Group 12099 1
Schertz PD Disp Group 12103 316 (Same traffic as EDACS TG, dominate RX Hits though)
Schertz PD CH-2 Group 12104 0
Schertz PD CH-4 Group 12105 0
Schertz Citywide Group 12092 0
Schertz AnmlCtrl Group 12140 18
Schertz PubWorks Group 12141 0
Wow, if you made this far I am very GREatfull for any and all comments for those with boots on the ground
in the Schertz area. Please pass along what your own observations have been concerning the above !
Thank You Very Very Much !!!
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