Sounded like when Weirton just purchased new police cruisers one of the council members asked about the radio system. The Weirton Police chief said they were waiting on the county and no new radios would need to be purchased.
"Referencing the purchase of the new radios, Marsh briefly raised the question as to whether they will need to be replaced once Hancock County’s new digital communication system goes online.
Both Police Chief Charlie Kush and Fire Chief Kevin Himmelrick explained it already had been addressed through previous radio purchases.
“They’re installed and everything now,” Himmelrick said.
Finance Director Diana Smoljanovich confirmed those purchases had been made using COVID relief funds during the tenure of a previous city manager.
Kush added he has been told the new digital system should be ready in the near future.
“They say it’s going to be very very soon,” he said. “We keep asking.”'
Weirton moving ahead on police vehicle purchases
Hancock County also just put a lot of money into a microwave system as well from grant money from the Governor. I know of 1 new tower that went up near a water tower on Rolling Acres Drive in New Cumberland.
looks like the SIRN region 2 team mentioned the Hancock County radio system at the last meeting in September:
"Discussed the Hancock County 6 channel DMR system"
I have also noticed that the Weirton Police FCC license is expired so maybe they are moving off those frequencies for police? It expired in April.