Almost forgot... Stay away from AREA 51 the "camo dudes" mean serious business. Remember "What happens in Vegas stays in Vega$" There's alot of desert out there. I have spoken with 3 guys that made trek out there to listen to and photograph "Red star or Red square games?" They were out near Nellis AFB camping in federal area. A spotter plane saw the tents and portable antennas they set-up. It circled them 5 times. 45 minutes later a black helicopter flew over twice and 1 hour after that a couple of unmarked dodge trucks pulled up and highly trained military police exitited and had a very informative talk with these guys. They were allowed to leave after they "looked around" their campsite. The security guards advised them that could listen all they wanted and even photograph anything that flew overhead. They never asked for ID. But gave them a warning and drew on their map with red marker where the restricted area starts and told them "Guys we have seen the other side of the restricted area and there's nothing to see. It's not worth it, the ground sensor will pick you up way before you cross the line and that helicopter will return." I saw the pictures and heard some tapes of the recordings. If their website is running i'll post it here.