Need help recieving hometowm police, ems, etc.
I'm in Delta County, my home town is Cedaredge. I've studied every aspect I could about general scanning and about my new RS pro 106 and decided i'de manually program it myself and I have successfully, I feel. Except for a few things that really have my confused. I've been at it for about a week and a half now. First off I'm i'll post my area links in an attempt to keep this organized:
Link # 1 Delta County, Colorado (CO) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Link # 2 State of Colorado DTRS Trunking System, Statewide, Multi-State - Scanner Frequencies
I recieve clearly 2 of 3 towers in my area there name per link 2 are "Delta", and "Tank Hill." "T.V Hill" isn't as clear but its ok cause I didn't care to scan that neighboring town. Its mostly blocked by some mountains etc. but still comes in just very rough. I recieve clear signals, and always have, from Delta P.D., Sheriff, State Patrol, and a few others from the city of Delta, but nothing at all from Cedaredge!
Things im suspecious of:
per link # 1 notice "Monitoring Notes" just under "Delta, County of" if I read right it expresses several scannable things and claims there all on "DTRS TG 8743" well... there just not (its marked "June 2009" outdated perhaps????). I've set aside a scan list on "Wildcard" w/ that DEC # and NOTHING is ever on it, AREAWIDE and heres why I think so. Link # 2 (scroll down a ways and under "Delta County Talkgroups" they all have there OWN DEC # which I also have programmed in my scanner. So heres the deal: I recieve and always have recieved (keep in mind the following is City of "Delta" and not county) Delta P.D., Sheriff, St. Pat. etc. but never much EMS, or my hometown of Cedaredge (Cedaredge itself has no tower). I recieve them by way of there own DEC # as per link 2 btw. I even recieve some pretty crazy stuff like railroad, and random things i've entered under conv. and tgrp both, but never hear anything closest to me (Cedaredge). How can I get.. "bug control 123" (i dont really know what it was) miles away but not my hometown (Cedaredge) P.D. less then a 2 min. drive away??
Things that may or may not matter: I manually scanned and picked up clearly and additional 5 tower sights but 1 was on a county border (Mesa/Delta) and the other 4 were in different counties (somewhat close counties) I found the CC by manually listening for the "deisel engine" sound then searched this website and found where they were, then entered all cc + alternates one day. None included Cedaredge P.D. Furthermore in manual searching I found an additional 5 weak signaled towers from what I thought were very far away counties and repeat above and nothing... How? well my home is located in what I would consider to be an ideal place for a tower itself!!!! (further confusing me). I've since deleted those towers and cc's and am now left w/ a total of only 3 towers "DELTA", "Tank Hill" and "Mesa Point" I've entered all CC AND Alternate CCs. (I know, i've read some of you don't by as I understand it, you should. Besides it only a total of 12 channels for me).
Now my settings FYI for helping purposes: TSYS set as "P25 Auto" tagged towers w/ random name, Everything default except multi site is "stat" when home "roam" when driving, only been driving once.
Global settings: default except ATT mode is sometimes on "normal" not global, Global ATT is sometimes on but ussually "off" (off while scanning)
Func + Global settings: everything default except: Flexstep "on" Trunking ch. # "on" show radio I.D. is "yes" Thats really all i've done till I figure out why im not recieving certain tlkgrps. Until then i'll not mess w/ anything else till I learn more about those areas.
My best guesses: This websites section (for my area) possibly outdated (as it pretty much states!) or somethings funky (per what I talked about up top) but def. doubt that cause I manual searched, found, entered, etc...on top of everything else.
I think i'm in a perfect place for interc. signals but maybe i'm in just the right place to NOT get my local P.D.'s signals (highly doubt this more then the first one, because from my balcony I see... well, so far out that you'de have to be here to believe me.)
Or: Im missing something so simple im gonna kick myself but I doubt it because theres to much in common.. Link #1 is suspecious and makes no sense to me under "monitoring notes" I've only never gotton Cedaredge P.D., ems anything except voice page in conv. channel, and no nieboring police dept. EXCEPT.... notice from link #2 that under Detla Cnty Talkgroups the sheriff ops ( DEC # 8473) is supposedly "all law enforc. dispatch". Well i have heard a few guys say there city name and then unit i.d. (or whatever) and even a few say ".!@#ckl^$$#.. ambulance" but never Cedaredge, and never through there OWN DEC ID #. None of this is making sense. Thanks for the help.
I'm in Delta County, my home town is Cedaredge. I've studied every aspect I could about general scanning and about my new RS pro 106 and decided i'de manually program it myself and I have successfully, I feel. Except for a few things that really have my confused. I've been at it for about a week and a half now. First off I'm i'll post my area links in an attempt to keep this organized:
Link # 1 Delta County, Colorado (CO) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Link # 2 State of Colorado DTRS Trunking System, Statewide, Multi-State - Scanner Frequencies
I recieve clearly 2 of 3 towers in my area there name per link 2 are "Delta", and "Tank Hill." "T.V Hill" isn't as clear but its ok cause I didn't care to scan that neighboring town. Its mostly blocked by some mountains etc. but still comes in just very rough. I recieve clear signals, and always have, from Delta P.D., Sheriff, State Patrol, and a few others from the city of Delta, but nothing at all from Cedaredge!
Things im suspecious of:
per link # 1 notice "Monitoring Notes" just under "Delta, County of" if I read right it expresses several scannable things and claims there all on "DTRS TG 8743" well... there just not (its marked "June 2009" outdated perhaps????). I've set aside a scan list on "Wildcard" w/ that DEC # and NOTHING is ever on it, AREAWIDE and heres why I think so. Link # 2 (scroll down a ways and under "Delta County Talkgroups" they all have there OWN DEC # which I also have programmed in my scanner. So heres the deal: I recieve and always have recieved (keep in mind the following is City of "Delta" and not county) Delta P.D., Sheriff, St. Pat. etc. but never much EMS, or my hometown of Cedaredge (Cedaredge itself has no tower). I recieve them by way of there own DEC # as per link 2 btw. I even recieve some pretty crazy stuff like railroad, and random things i've entered under conv. and tgrp both, but never hear anything closest to me (Cedaredge). How can I get.. "bug control 123" (i dont really know what it was) miles away but not my hometown (Cedaredge) P.D. less then a 2 min. drive away??
Things that may or may not matter: I manually scanned and picked up clearly and additional 5 tower sights but 1 was on a county border (Mesa/Delta) and the other 4 were in different counties (somewhat close counties) I found the CC by manually listening for the "deisel engine" sound then searched this website and found where they were, then entered all cc + alternates one day. None included Cedaredge P.D. Furthermore in manual searching I found an additional 5 weak signaled towers from what I thought were very far away counties and repeat above and nothing... How? well my home is located in what I would consider to be an ideal place for a tower itself!!!! (further confusing me). I've since deleted those towers and cc's and am now left w/ a total of only 3 towers "DELTA", "Tank Hill" and "Mesa Point" I've entered all CC AND Alternate CCs. (I know, i've read some of you don't by as I understand it, you should. Besides it only a total of 12 channels for me).
Now my settings FYI for helping purposes: TSYS set as "P25 Auto" tagged towers w/ random name, Everything default except multi site is "stat" when home "roam" when driving, only been driving once.
Global settings: default except ATT mode is sometimes on "normal" not global, Global ATT is sometimes on but ussually "off" (off while scanning)
Func + Global settings: everything default except: Flexstep "on" Trunking ch. # "on" show radio I.D. is "yes" Thats really all i've done till I figure out why im not recieving certain tlkgrps. Until then i'll not mess w/ anything else till I learn more about those areas.
My best guesses: This websites section (for my area) possibly outdated (as it pretty much states!) or somethings funky (per what I talked about up top) but def. doubt that cause I manual searched, found, entered, etc...on top of everything else.
I think i'm in a perfect place for interc. signals but maybe i'm in just the right place to NOT get my local P.D.'s signals (highly doubt this more then the first one, because from my balcony I see... well, so far out that you'de have to be here to believe me.)
Or: Im missing something so simple im gonna kick myself but I doubt it because theres to much in common.. Link #1 is suspecious and makes no sense to me under "monitoring notes" I've only never gotton Cedaredge P.D., ems anything except voice page in conv. channel, and no nieboring police dept. EXCEPT.... notice from link #2 that under Detla Cnty Talkgroups the sheriff ops ( DEC # 8473) is supposedly "all law enforc. dispatch". Well i have heard a few guys say there city name and then unit i.d. (or whatever) and even a few say ".!@#ckl^$$#.. ambulance" but never Cedaredge, and never through there OWN DEC ID #. None of this is making sense. Thanks for the help.