Hearing Wal Mart frequencies

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May 9, 2007
Conroe, TX
OK, here I go.

As far as WHY listen to Wal Mart...,maybe he's new-ish to the hobby, and exploring what he can hear with his radio. A good way to learn about distances, PL tones, reception factors, etc. A least hes not asking how to get his black market XTS programmed on his local PS system.

When hurricane Ike came through, I monitored Wally World to hear the employees talk about when they were opening up, and several discussions abuout what important items they had in stock, so yes, WalMart was very important for us when our FEMA MREs were running out. (In fact, we relied upon all the "cheesy" stuff to communicate and find out what was up) In my area, their location up high alows them to be heard for MILES!

And the WalMarts around here all use the covert earpieces.

--Sarcasm alert----
Now, pardon me as I sit at the very furthest reaches of my local WalMart parking lot in my 1978 Dodge RamVan with tinted windows, and listen in with my 48 element roof rack mounted VHF Yagi---on a rotator. My night vision goggles should keep me abreast of the cart situation and who is trying to steal the latest Hanna Montana CD from the electronics dept. I'll update yall around 0100 hrs.



P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
--Sarcasm alert----
Now, pardon me as I sit at the very furthest reaches of my local WalMart parking lot in my 1978 Dodge RamVan with tinted windows, and listen in with my 48 element roof rack mounted VHF Yagi---on a rotator. My night vision goggles should keep me abreast of the cart situation and who is trying to steal the latest Hanna Montana CD from the electronics dept. I'll update yall around 0100 hrs.


ahahaha, i'd like a following report at 0200 hrs please


Feed Provider
Dec 24, 2004
Emporia, KS
Remeber if the Wal-Mart you are listening to is on 154.570 or 154.600 they are in the MURS freqency range and it is legal to get a MURS radio and talk on that freqency also. No license required. So Wal-Mart can not stop you from talking to them. I take mine to Wal-Mart all the time. Great way to get help is to say "Customer needs assistance in (Departmet)" Usally they will page an associate to that department over the intercom.

I did that once to try out my new 2way radio! :D I was laughing out at the parking lot. the guy next to me was needing assistance also and liked my radio setup and thought that was funny. That was my first time to ever do that. i wonder why they don't use pl tones.

it's not something I'd do all the time. i only bring a radio in walmart on rare occasions when I'm in the mood. during normal shopping i want to focus on what I'm doing without drawing unnecessary attention to myself. And it doesn't mean i'm going to talk to the Walmart people with a 2 way either. last thing i want is management to escort me out of the building. they are very strict it this store. A couple of times i parked my bicycle with my ham radios on it inside the double doors where it would be more safe and i got chewed out by the manager about it and almost run off the property. walmart people are rather rude and i hear that from people around town too.
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Jun 13, 2006
Athens, Ga

Remeber if the Wal-Mart you are listening to is on 154.570 or 154.600 they are in the MURS freqency range and it is legal to get a MURS radio and talk on that freqency also. No license required. So Wal-Mart can not stop you from talking to them. I take mine to Wal-Mart all the time. Great way to get help is to say "Customer needs assistance in (Departmet)" Usally they will page an associate to that department over the intercom.

I do the same. I have 154.600, and talk to employees regularly. 2M antenna on my car works well, too.


Feb 28, 2007
Walmart is funnny....

Speaking of Walmart, is any other Walmart like this?:

My Walmart, all of the Cashiers and Shelf Stockers are usually in a bad mood, same as those who work customer service.

Yet, the CSMs and other Managers always seem to be in the happiest of moods, wave their radios around, some hold it a lot in their hands, and just keep moving people everywhere saying go to that register, go to that one.

I just have to laugh how the Managers seem so happy yet no one else does, LoL.


P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
Speaking of Walmart, is any other Walmart like this?:

My Walmart, all of the Cashiers and Shelf Stockers are usually in a bad mood, same as those who work customer service.

Yet, the CSMs and other Managers always seem to be in the happiest of moods, wave their radios around, some hold it a lot in their hands, and just keep moving people everywhere saying go to that register, go to that one.

I just have to laugh how the Managers seem so happy yet no one else does, LoL.

OMG! It happens there too! I thought it was an isolated situation!
Yes they wave their radios around and use the antenna to "point" to things


Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Jul 6, 2008
Probably because they make more money as managers and don't have to stand on their feet all the time and not have to do as much stuff lol


Dec 18, 2001
I work at hell-mart and yes managers and csm are happy because they can tell people what to do. Give a person a radio=big head. Us overnight stockers have task management that says we have X hours to stock the shelf and woe be unto you if you don't. They don't stop the time for helping pull trucks or if the truck is two hours late. So we are always pissed because management is on our ass. And don't get me started on not being able to take vacation so we end up loosing it all. /rant


Premium Subscriber
Mar 10, 2008
Warminster BUCKS Co. PA
Wal-Mart Intercom

What frequencies would I need to search to listen to the Wal Mart employee radios?

Not all Wal-Mart stores use same frequency. I know you're saying, no dah!
However, In Warminster Twp. Bucks Co. Pennsylvania, you can hear store associates on MURS channel 4 ( 154.5700 ).
I work at a Shop-Rite supermarket and our store uses FRS.

462.5625 01 Store Operations
462.5875 02 Cashiers
462.6125 03 Store Management
462.6375 04 Cashiers

Time to time they will rotate channels, so what I've put down, may not be exact.


Jan 25, 2005
I live about 8-9 miles from two walmarts and I can pick up the one ontop of the hill from my house. but only on my gre. my uniden wont. Its funny how one can pick up a freq but the other wont.


Oct 22, 2004
North Carolina
Just be sure not to maliciously interfere with Wal-Mart's transmissions and yes, you should be able to legally talk to them. But how much do you want to bet that they, Wal-Mart, would say that you willfully and maliciously interfered with them by saying "Customer needs assistance in (Departmet)"? While it might get you the help you desire from the Wal-Mart associates, it might also get you some attention from another group of people you'd rather not have especially if you happen to already hold an FCC license in another service... ;)

After reading through this message I was wondering if it was legal to use my MURS radios in Walmart set to the same frequency and it is. In the quote above lets say you had a business across the street from Walmart and your radios are on the same frequency and Walmart told you to get off frequency could you not say that they are maliciously interfering with you? I thought since the service is unlicensed you basically had to share the channel with them regardless, unless you are technically causing harm to them am I correct? What is the worst that would happen if you wen to the store and had your radio pl tone on and forgot that you were on the same frequency as theirs, I don't see what they can do to you since they are unlicensed as well. The smart thing to do of course is use a clear channel what will not interfere with them at all. Just wanted to ask and add my 2cents to the conversation.



Premium Subscriber
Jul 22, 2010
Depew, NY
From the FCC part 95 Personal Radio Services rules:

§ 95.1309 Channel use policy.
(a) The channels authorized to MURS
systems by this part are available on a
shared basis only and will not be assigned
for the exclusive use of any entity.
(b) Those using MURS transmitters
must cooperate in the selection and use
of channels in order to reduce interference
and make the most effective
use of authorized facilities. Channels
must be selected in an effort to avoid
interference to other MURS transmissions.

Entire link at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2009-title47-vol5/pdf/CFR-2009-title47-vol5-part95.pdf


Oct 5, 2010
Savannah TN 38372
WalMart freqs.

154.570 is the freq we use....LOL after reading some of these post. I too work at WalMart as an Unloader. And part time ICS SUP .....And yes not all of us are a perky persons. I am always Happy only because I am running on a gallon of coffee. And please do ask us for help, even though we look like we are having a bad day it takes our minds off the the job and most of us really do like to help customers.


Dec 4, 2005
Arlington, Nebraska
I finally decided to take my Scanner with me to Wal-Mart because I had to get a few things to get. So as I got back to my truck. I was fumbling around and monitored the given Frequency's posted on this site and this is what I got. This was the Fremont Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart personal talk on 154.6000Mhz I do agree with other comments on this forum. Some of the things they talk about are truly strange. Later :)


Premium Subscriber
Sep 21, 2008
Lancaster, PA
Hah, fun stuff. I was at Target actually, with my motorola HT and asked if a channel was in use(Was gonna be talkin with a friend across the store synching our shopping). Well APPARENTLY Wally world next door was using that channel and they go 'Yeah, loading dock's usin this channel. Who's this?' Now.. Not wanting to get in trouble I just cleared freq for TXing, but continued to RX... And they ended up after awhile determining that this mystery-radio person was a middle-eastern employee named Ali.'

Fun thing? I'm 100% white.... With a heavy southern accent. Hah. Well heavy-ish. XD


May 11, 2008
Longview Tx
Excuse me does this radio make my butt look official?

Even though I'm not wearing a blue vest (or uniform w/ badge) just having a scanner or HT on my belt causes all sorts of people to ask me for help. They say "oh I saw the radio and thought..." Funny this just happened a few hours ago when I was in WalMart. I have no interest in listening to their freqs, besides they walk around with theirs at full volume... Seems like whenever I go to airshows people ask me for directions or assistance - maybe it's b/c Im usually wearing slacks and long sleeve shirts to avoid sunburn... A lady once said I had an "appearance of authority".
I generally use earbuds w/ my scanner in public places so I don't have to explain to LE or security why I am listening to their freq, nor become a target of outlaws. (Ive worked Security myself at various times & in various states for approx ten years total.)

Also even if its LEGAL to use MURS in their store they can still ask you to leave and/or call PD to put a Criminal Tresspass Warning on you (banned from property) if you SEEM to be be causing trouble. Most un-informed radio users think they OWN the frequency.

BTW a few years back I apllied for employment at WM and checked back a few times. Nver got a call. Guess I am over-educated and in the undesirable middle of the age range they are looking to employ?
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May 11, 2008
Longview Tx
I thought that description was familair?

One day I was eating at a Taco place next to our largest WM SuperCenter. On my scanner I heard PD dispatched to WM for a "shoplifter causing problems". Next the call upgraded due to the actor having fled and last seen parking at the TACO joint where I WAS EATING. Actor Veh: White Nissan Frontier. I casually took a look out in the lot and the only vehicle matching that desc was MINE! I waited a few minutes for PD to arrive but I had to get to work or be late. Next update on the radio was MY direction of travel. Not too impressed w/ WM LOSS PREVENTION at that location!! The actor desc was heavyset black female. Only thing I have in common is the "heavyset" part LOL.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 10, 2008
Warminster BUCKS Co. PA
Pa murs

What frequencies would I need to search to listen to the Wal Mart employee radios?

In Warminster Township, Wal-Mart associates use 154.570 pl unknown. I sure hope if when CosCo
opens they'll use something else, because they'll be right across the street
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