I'm just trying to listen to WNMN452 Freq 155.79000 and i don't understand how this site works... Can anyone please help me?
Hi Amy,
This site is primarily a database/listing of frequencies to aid in programming a physical scanner.
As for live audio feeds, as Bob mentioned above they are provided by individual scanner owners. Only a fraction of what is listed in the RR database is available as a live audio feed.
There is no dedicated feed for Branchburg Township, NJ; but it may be part of one or more "general area" feeds such as Somerset County, central NJ, etc. (if it is a public safety agency). If it is not public safety, such as a public works dept, then it will not be part of any live feed. If this is the case, or you want to listen to only that frequency itself, then you will have to monitor it on a physical scanner (not online).
Hope this helps