HP1 touchscreen "avoid" buttons non-responsive cleaning and self test?
The space between the bezel ... A business card applied carefully as a means of extracting the foreign object caused the screen to start functioning again. And now the screen is repositioned so that nothing (including food crumbs) can fall on it.
Thanks to all that have posted problems and solutions.
I've been having problems too so want to post my
lessons learned and a question.
My methods of how to touch the screen in order of preference and desparation.
What to use as pointer when touchscreen seems to be getting non responsive:
1. Finger
2. Finger nail
3. The smooth plastic parts or edge of a pen
4. Que tip--if all else fails...
5. Press-hold-release-press... My currnent problem: the Avoid "OK" "MAKE TEMPORARY" screen buttons
Press and hold for 3+ seconds, release and press again, then it seems to take 2nd press right away, usually
#5 new trick i just learned, the firmware might have an algorithm to recognize a touch when there's crud in the screen edges.
For me, the three "Avoid" controls on the bottom of screen have been the most troublesome.
The three buttons for the "avoids" are very sensitive, i think, to crud in the screen edge.
Even when the screen in that area area, bottom left and bottom center, work great with the finger--technique #1.
I've tried to fix the avoid button problem by partial disassembly and cleaning.
Nothing visible seen between case and screen.
Reassemblied with a "not too tight" screw tightening method, for those screws that sandwitch the screen to plastic bezel. After that the problem got worse.
The problem shifted from just the "OK" button to both the "OK" and "Temporary" buttons.
In all other screen-modes the touch sensitivity in that area is great.
So, some kind of interaction between firmware/touchscreen sensing algorithms for the large AVOID buttons+debris.
next on the todo list... do a more thourough dissembly and cleaning between the screen edges and the T/S metal bezel which is part of the screen, something's gotta be in there. I will use a lab bench with microscope and high powered light.
My question: wondering if anyone knows if there's a hidden built-in touchscreen test mode in the hp1...
Either an interactive diagnostic utility built in to unit itself that dispays area being touched/the location(s) it's sensing as a finger press... or even something that just spits out raw x-y data to the serial port. There's gotta be some kind of built in untilities to test the input device, right?
Any info appreciated.