Filters are 10MHz wide and the Off setting has it working as a normal filter as in Unidens other scanners +/-5MHz, the signal received are in the middle of the filters bandwidth. Other settings will have the signal moved to either edge of the filters bandwidth +9/-1MHz at one settings and +1/-9Mhz at the other and then also halfway to the edge at the Wide settings.
If there are an interfering signal at +2MHz you use the +1/-9MHz filter to block it. But that will open up the whole -9MHz range for other signals to possible interfere with reception. It has an amplifier LNA at the input that sits before the filter settings and are automatically detecting the signal level from the whole bandpass frequency range, 760MHz-1300MHz in the highest band, and reduce its gain and sensitivity when any strong signals are detected within that band, like a cellular tower. So highly location dependent.
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