how to configure pro 106 to unitrunker

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Feb 6, 2011
Cameron County, Tx
ive just downloaded the unitrunker and im trying to figure out how to get it to work I know how to set the com port and bit rate but I cant seem to get anything else to work im trying to decode the Motorola type 2 spinter im in Cameron county tx and trying to decode the Brownsville cc site, also should my cc dump be on or off im following the instructions mostly but cant seem to get it to show the site page or work if anyone has calibrated the 106 to these kind of sites please send me a list I can follow ty so much! I do have the radio shack usb cable


Mar 7, 2004
Virginia Beach, VA
I'm not familiar with Unitrunker; you'll need to enter custom tables. In WIN500, there's a real easy setup for custom tables with only 3 clicks of the mouse. Does Unitrunker have something like that?


Dec 25, 2010
New Market TN
I havent used unitrunker in awhile but I left myself some notes in case I forgot how to run it. At one point I had to use them. I do believe I got my information from the UtahRadio link above. Here's my notes. Hope it helps.

1) Install the program. Installs to ProgramFiles\Unitrunker.
2) You may have to make your own desktop shortcut from ProgramFiles\Unitrunker\Uniform.exe
3) Connect the scanner to the computer with the cable and put the scanner on a control channel. (UniTrunker will automatically turn on the CCDump feature).
4) Open UniTrunker and go to the Options tab and check the settings.
5) These are the settings that are working with the Pro-106:

Enabled (not checked)
Priority (50)
Display Mode (Decimal)
Display Mode (Decimal)
800 Mhz Bandplan (North America)
Display Mode (Decimal)
Ignore Sync (not checked)
Path (C:\Program Files\UniTrunker
Auto Save (not cheked)

6) Go to the Recievers Tab and click the + icon to add a new receiver (scanner) and choose inline.
7) Check these settings in the Receiver Settings:

Type (Inline)
Model (Pro 106)
Role (Signal)
Run Status (Stopped)
Serial Port (COM5 or whatever the scanner is attaced to)
Baud Rate (115200)
Data Bits (8)
Stop Bits (1)
Parity (None)
Logging (not checked)
Chase (not checked)
Park (851.50000)
Mode (FM)
P25 (not checked)
ProVoice (not checked)
VSELP (not checked)
Protocol ()
Health (0)
Lock Mode (None)
APCO P25 (checked)
EDACS48 (checked)
EDACS96 (checked)
Motorola (checked)
LTR (not checked)
Logging (not checked)
Publish (not checked)

8) Once the settings are checked out, close the Receiver Settings Box to get back to the Receivers Tab.
9) Click the play button at the top to start the program on the selected receiver.
10) In about 10 to 15 seconds (or sooner) after you click the play button a Site window will popup and you should start seeing activity. You will see a frequency section at the top and user activity at the bottom half and a signal strength meter at the top left section of the window.
11) At the top if it says frequency needed, then follow these steps, if it does not then skip to the next step.
Double click it and enter the frequency of the control channel your scanner is on. The confirmed box will automatically check itself. That is OK. Click the X to close the box. The frequency should now be displayed and in red color. Wait a few minutes then close the Site window and go to the Receivers tab in the main window and click the stop button to stop the communications. Wait a minute and then press the play button to start the receiver again. The Site window will popup again and the rest of the frequencies should be filled in.
12) Now close the Site window and stop the reciever again.
13) Go to the Systems tab in the main window and double click the system you was monitoring and put the Label (description) in and close the window.
14) Now go back to the Receivers tab and start the receiver again to start the program.
15) Leave the Site window open and go to the Systems tab in the main window and double click the system you are monitoring. At the bottom click the Groups tab and give your groups a Label, if they are known. You should be going now.

TIP: Change the color of your unknown talkgroups to a different color.
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