Thanks but what I do that what do I do after it’d done and I try that today and I couldn’t hear anything? So I don’t know what I am doing wrong ?
Did you program in the frequencies in the sites?
Did you program in the TGIDs in the groups? If you didn't then set the System to ID Search and see if you hear anything.
An advantage of using Freescan or my ProScan is that we can look at the programming for any mistakes.
Perhaps, take a look at some of the YouTube videos. Search for 'programming bcd325p2', or 'programming trunk system DMA scanners', etc.
I'm really sure that it will be so much easier to troubleshoot when using Freescan. When the database file is uploaded here then usually we can see the problem right away instead of taking a day or longer with manual programming.
What version of Windows are you using?
Common problems with the software not communicating with the scanner:
1. USB cable not connected or using a power only USB cable.
2. Scanner needs a power cycle.
3. Serial Port driver not installed or not working. Use the Win Device Manager to get more info on that.
Here are the
very basic steps: I would still look over the Easier to Read manual and the YouTube videos.
1 Create a new MOT (Motorola) system
2. Set the system options
3. Create a new site
4. Set the site options
5. Enter in the frequencies in the new site created in step 3
6. Go to the band plan menu then choose Custom then enter in band plans 1 to 3
7 Do step 3 to 6 again for another site
8. Create a new group
9. Set the group options
10. Enter in the TGIDS in the new group created in step 8
11. Do step 8 to 10 again for another group