My question is how exactly the Record feature on the HP-1 works. While out at lunch, I was active scanning 5 favorites lists including a P25 system one in which I am trying to identify unknown TGs. On the way back to my office, a transmission came over that system on an unknown TG. I immediately hit to hold on the TG and then hit Record and OK. I let it go for about 30 seconds and, when nothing else came over the TG, I hit Record again to end the recording and saved it. When I went in to listen to it, it had recorded radio transmissions from the other favorites lists...transmissions that I had heard before it stopped on that unknown TG. I got confused and did not listen to the whole thing and deleted it, so I do not know if it recorded the radio transmission from that unknown TG. I have the replay time set to 120 seconds. Does that mean that once I hit record, it will save from that point back 2 minutes? I was thinking that it would only record the channel I was holding on and record from that point forward. Or am I missing something?