Ty-Raps around the cable on either side of the ferrite is a pretty quick and simple way to hold the ferrite in place.
Ty-Raps around the cable on either side of the ferrite is a pretty quick and simple way to hold the ferrite in place.
1st off I would like to thank everyone for throwing their 2 cents in the pot. Sometimes it takes more then 1 mind working on the project to solve it. In this case the tech at Palomar Engineers told me that if the ferrite is to big for the cable then put electric tape on the cable to hold the ferrite in place. It works. There is no more RFI getting into the laptop via the USB plugin devices. Problem solved.
Instead of tape, I put a cable(zip) tie around the cable at each end of the ferrite with them up tight against the piece you normally cut of the cabe tie up close to the ferrite (I then trim the pull tie leaving enough of it to do the job). It is neater and more durable than the tape.
Many a times used ty-raps. Much better than tape, and as ecps92 posted, does not leave that sticky adhesive on the cable or ferrite. And ty-raps are cheap at Wally world and else where.
i was picking up RF thru my mouse cord it was freezing my pc. i i loop several turns of the mouse cord around an old AA battery and that did the trick.
For RFI ferrite snap-on cores work like RF chocks.
i was picking up RF thru my mouse cord it was freezing my pc. i i loop several turns of the mouse cord around an old AA battery and that did the trick.
I understand that. But leaking caustic goo on your mouse pad or whatever is still a bad idea. A bolt or something similar would be equally effective and wouldn't pose any risk of damage or chemical burns.
Come on now, the AA battery has carbon in it and that is kinda like ferrite.....