My other thread was getting real long and convoluted so I decided to start a new thread. First off let me apologize I'm not retired and I typically work 60-70 hours a week so I have a small window to work on op25. What makes it so frustrating is that its supposed to be easy and user friendly but at the part that i'm at setting up a personal stream using liquid soap and icecast is not so clearcut and dry. In paragraph 5 of the "high level" instructions (Readme rpi3 liquidsoap) it tells you to just edit those files with no instructions. For example in "icecastserveraddress" in meta.json is that localhost:8000,http://10.0.0.XXX:8000 is it http://localhost:8000? Can someone anyone post their working meta.json working icecast.xml working op25.liq so I can reverse engineer it and figure it out. I have everything running but for some reason im encountering:
2023/10/15 17:51:18 [op25:3] Connecting mount op25 for source@localhost...
2023/10/15 17:51:18 [op25:2] Connection failed: could not connect to host: Connection refused in connect()
2023/10/15 17:51:18 [op25:3] Will try again in 3.00 sec.
I promise x3 everything matches and I mean all username and passwords match. I'm getting local audio as well. again thank you for you help and if I dont get back right away its because i'm working or sleeping but trust I've cleared the decks for this.
2023/10/15 17:51:18 [op25:3] Connecting mount op25 for source@localhost...
2023/10/15 17:51:18 [op25:2] Connection failed: could not connect to host: Connection refused in connect()
2023/10/15 17:51:18 [op25:3] Will try again in 3.00 sec.
I promise x3 everything matches and I mean all username and passwords match. I'm getting local audio as well. again thank you for you help and if I dont get back right away its because i'm working or sleeping but trust I've cleared the decks for this.