SDS100 Internal Install Notes
You can get the new Reyax module on eBay for $15+shipping:
The catch is that you have to change the default settings to output the correct format NMEA sentences (they should start with GP instead of GN). To do that, you need to download U-Center here:
You'll need a way to connect the module to your computer, some type of RS232-USB adapter configured so that outputs are connected to inputs. You don't need the RTS, CTS, etc.
Once you get U-Center installed and the module connected, open up the Configuration Viewer (Menu \ View \ Configuration View). You'll see a list of categories on the left. You'll need to make the following changes in each listed category:
Filter: QZSS, BeiDou should be checked
Main Talker ID: 1 GPS
GSV Talker ID: 1 Use Main Talker ID
Broadband Interference: 3
CW Treshold: 15
Antenna type: 1 Passive
Enable should be checked (must do this first)
Enable GPS, SBAS, GLONASS, all other enable checks should be off
After changing the settings in each category, click the Send button at the bottom left, then Menu \ Receiver \ Action \ Save Config.
If you want to install an status indicator LED, use one like this:
Connect it between the PPS output and ground, with a 2.8K current limiter resistor in series with the indicator LED The spacing between the front panel LEDs is 5.5mm center-to-center.
The most difficult part by far is shown here:!ApJIS-l4xqPtgvgVm6kArQYQF88J_w
The GPS data wire (yellow) connects to the second pin from the left of the USB connector as shown. The shield is soldered to the board in multiple locations, so I don't recommend trying to remove it. You need to solder through the hole, which is roughly 1/4" square. Bending the tab out of the way gives you a bit more room and visibility, but it's still very tight.
You'll want to make a 90-degree bend near the end of a solid wire (like the excess lead of the resistor you'll eventually use for the LED), Apply a small blob of solder to the bent tip, position the wire on the correct connector lead, and apply heat. A good connection will bend the wire before breaking the joint. Verify continuity (should read about 12KΩ to ground), and more importantly, verify that you haven't bridged any adjoining pins with excess solder. Fixing that is a total PITA (ask me how I know).
With the settings above, the module will use both GLONASS and GPS satellites to calculate a position, but you can only choose one timepulse reference. So the module will only indicate a satellite lock with the LED if it sees enough GPS satellites to calculate a position, but will calculate a good position fix from GLONASS satellites even if it can't see any GPS birds.
The template for making the cutout for the GPS module is here:!ApJIS-l4xqPtgup_zxqtNGZ7CCxghg
Zero is the center of the belt clip screw hole. Dimensions are in mm. Measure twice, cut once, etc.
The module outputs 9600 baud, so you'll need to set the scanner accordingly.