Looking at this further, there is definitely some noise coming from my PC, but it's not what's causing the hum on 4840. Using the circuit breaker method, I think it has something to do with the light switches. I did remove the dimmer in my dining room just to see what would happen with it disconnected, but it didn't resolve the issue. There is still some weirdness going on because even with the breaker off, if I turn on the light switch in my computer/radio room, the hum returns. Not sure why as there should be no power going through the switch.
With the power on, and the switch on, the hum seems to increase. I currently have 2 LED bulbs in the overhead fixture, so that may be causing some of it. Not sure what to do since I need light in the room. I had a spare bulb that another brand, and I put that in, but same thing. Still not 100% sure the LEDs are the only thing causing the hum, but they definitely seem to be contributing.
Is there a type of bulb that's known for not causing RFI? I could try to go back to incandescent, but not even sure those are available anymore.