I did go up to the DC area this morning including Crystal City. The last time I did that (months ago), 1.87 was so strong that I received it on multiple frequencies on an SDRSharp where I rarely have that problem. But today I could not find 1.87 (this morning) on any frequency. I suspect that transmitter has had problems and may have been replaced at a different location or they have experimented with it. At Garvelly point, I decoded 1.85(15)/Bull Run, 1.86(24)/Badensburg, 1.89(32)/Fair Lakes, 1.91(16)/Greenbelt, 1.97(26)/Silver Hill, and 1.98(22)/Falls Church but no sign of 1.87 on any frequency. (Numbers in parenthesis are dB relative S/N--not Bull Run really does cover well a large area and is often the best signal down to Fredericksburg. For Freqhopping: Since you may be seeing it best, what is your best guess area if you are seeing it now?--I will take my equipment to that area this week. For BM82557: At least I am not the only one seeing things come and go. By the way, looking at the raw data, I see mistakes in some frequencies on the control channels (like typos in frequency of the control channel--not bad reception on my part but always there in their strong signal.) Back home, down here in Fredericskburg, I am only copying 1.85/Bull Run, 1.92/Independent Hill, and 1.94/ Spring Hill (LaPlata) which is average/normal conditions based on who I can copy.