Just Picked Up Kenilworth FD on 451.2375 DMR Color Code 6

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May 23, 2022
Thanks for submitting it GTR8000. I am perfectly relaxed. I understand it probably won't amount to much, but glad it is there as a reference to show Kenilworth FD is using it for something. My hunch is that they may have a small firehouse or HQ on Merck's property in case of an emergency or something to that effect. They may not have abandoned 472 MHz (I just haven't heard anything on there in a while). Hopefully more of these questions will be answered in the future.

Yes, I agree ECPS that it could be a patch from Kenilworth FD to a private fire brigade perhaps on Merck's property.


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Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
I haven't heard a peep on 472.725 MHz ever since they migrated to NJICS.

Regarding 451 MHz, they clearly ID themselves as "Kenilworth FD" when they do their daily pager test at 10am. Therefore it is an absolute fact they are using that frequency, but as to why or for what purpose exactly (aside from pager tests) is a mystery. I will post the youtube video link I created here showing exactly what happens on this frequency ever day at 10am. :) I hope this helps

Thanks for video. This mirrors what I have heard. My .02. Note the person saying “Control”. This is most certainly “Rahway Control“ (an ID used many times) a private entity. This is the most likely THEY. I do not think “they“ is Kenilworth PD/FD nor 2400 Union County Dispatch. You are hearing a Dispatcher located at Merck Rahway Campus. Where the DMR repeater is located is still unknown.

What could be checked is the DMR tone pair (posted above) vs ICS TG paging tone and also check if they are multicast at 10am. I do not believe they are linked as the audio that I hear is clean. No hint to my ears of any link.


Premium Subscriber
May 22, 2006
I’ve got no skin in the game and don’t live close enough to monitor to find out for myself but based on what I’m hearing and history, that sounds like Merck not municipal fire. Merck still occupies the campus and has their own fire station on property. Also 300s doesn’t seem to match what’s listed for Kenilworth municipal unit numbering.
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NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Yeah, hence my apprehension in listing it under the borough. I'll leave it as-is for the time being, but I've made a note to check back on it at some point in the near future. If we don't get any further clarification of who/what/why, I may either remove it altogether or move it to a business listing.

Way too much speculation on who this is, and so far I've not seen anything definitive. @CastorLB's post provides the most info so far, so thanks for chiming in.


Feed Provider
Sep 10, 2008
New Jersey
That is pretty crazy, but now a days with the advancement of the Unication pagers I would think they can put tones in there on Dispatch and if the dept purchased them, easy.

I am not aware of a paging device that would be DMR capable as of now. ..... Interesting pickup.
May 23, 2022
Thanks for video. This mirrors what I have heard. My .02. Note the person saying “Control”. This is most certainly “Rahway Control“ (an ID used many times) a private entity. This is the most likely THEY. I do not think “they“ is Kenilworth PD/FD nor 2400 Union County Dispatch. You are hearing a Dispatcher located at Merck Rahway Campus. Where the DMR repeater is located is still unknown.

What could be checked is the DMR tone pair (posted above) vs ICS TG paging tone and also check if they are multicast at 10am. I do not believe they are linked as the audio that I hear is clean. No hint to my ears of any link.
The "they" is Kenilworth FD. They CLEARLY ID themselves as Kenilworth FD. Also, there is a Merck located in Kenilworth NJ also (not just Rahway). Why would a dispatcher located in Rahway, ID themself as "Kenilworth FD"? Now that wouldn't make any sense. The main unanswered questions are where is the repeater located (my guess is on the Merck property in Kenilworth) and for what purpose is Kenilworth FD using this DMR frequency?


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
The verbiage “testing with all Kenilworth Fire Department Units” is no longer sloppy Merck speak.

Ran autopilot for last 24 hours. This is for now a single TG using SL2 only. Yes it has two tone paging.

“Control” ID’ing as both Merck Control and Rahway Control it is a combined resource that is managing the needs of its Kenilworth campus.

The resources at the Kenilworth Campus they are dispatching for are as follows.
Security, Maintenance and the internal Fire Brigade at that Campus.

Control Paging now uses “Kenilworth site EMT’s and health services personnel“ AND
” Kenilworth Fire Brigade”. That is the new speak.

I hope they go encrypted 😳.


Jul 8, 2002
The verbiage “testing with all Kenilworth Fire Department Units” is no longer sloppy Merck speak.

Ran autopilot for last 24 hours. This is for now a single TG using SL2 only. Yes it has two tone paging.

“Control” ID’ing as both Merck Control and Rahway Control it is a combined resource that is managing the needs of its Kenilworth campus.

The resources at the Kenilworth Campus they are dispatching for are as follows.
Security, Maintenance and the internal Fire Brigade at that Campus.

Control Paging now uses “Kenilworth site EMT’s and health services personnel“ AND
” Kenilworth Fire Brigade”. That is the new speak.

I hope they go encrypted 😳.
Any activity on their other expired Merk channels ?


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Yeah, so after all that, it turns out that it has nothing to do with the Borough of Kenilworth, huh? All private business usage. Listing is getting nuked from the county public safety page. If someone wants to resubmit it where it actually belongs with the confirmed and pertinent details, feel free and I'll re-add it.
May 23, 2022
The verbiage “testing with all Kenilworth Fire Department Units” is no longer sloppy Merck speak.

Ran autopilot for last 24 hours. This is for now a single TG using SL2 only. Yes it has two tone paging.

“Control” ID’ing as both Merck Control and Rahway Control it is a combined resource that is managing the needs of its Kenilworth campus.

The resources at the Kenilworth Campus they are dispatching for are as follows.
Security, Maintenance and the internal Fire Brigade at that Campus.

Control Paging now uses “Kenilworth site EMT’s and health services personnel“ AND
” Kenilworth Fire Brigade”. That is the new speak.

I hope they go encrypted 😳.
Kind of confused by your lingo. Are you saying that the repeater is located in Merck's Kenilworth campus? I am guessing under the expired Schering license? If they aren't really Kenilworth FD, then why are they IDing themselves as such? Why would you wish anything to go encrypted? SMH

Anyway, I am keeping it in my own notes nevertheless. I learned a while ago to keep my own notes and not fully rely on the RR DB, so I have complete info on unlisted frequencies that are not included. :)
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