Best mid range? yeah, get a used Bird 43 with the proper element for UHF and your wattage.
I bought a used one about 20 years ago and an assortment of slugs to handle everything from a 4 watt CB radio up to 100 watts on UHF.
MFJ is junk and I would not trust it to do any sort of reliable radio alignment at all.
A used Bird 43 will run you in the $100 to $150 range, if you shop around. Don't be concerned about looks, they are very simple devices. A line section, a cable and a meter. As long as it has all three of those, you are good to go. The box it sits in can be spray painted if needed. You can swap out the connectors on the end easily if the one you find doesn't have what you need (Get N connectors, much more useful/universal). Easy to find extra parts for them.
The elements are easy to find, but you'll pay from $30 to $50 each.
More costly than an MFJ meter, but it'll last you a lifetime. There's a good reason they've been around for so long.