So what is Kerr County SO doing for comms while this get's setup?? I was in Kerrville today and did not hear any traffic on the LCRA SO TG. I also did not hear any traffic, except a KFD pageout, on the VHF frequencies. Guess I should have checked LCRA for patches but you know how clear hindsight is!!
Are you sure they weren't on 155.085 NAC 365 still? They were a week ago even though it was showing up as a voice and data channel on the GATRRS site.
I'm honestly not sure how this plays out in the long run. I can say that besides Hwy 16 and 173 south to Bandera/Medina where I haven't driven to check signals, the LCRA system still has pretty dang good coverage everywhere else in the county. Kerrville, Hunt, Harper, Comfort and Boerne do a pretty good job of covering all the North, West and East portions of the county from my travels in the last year, with excellent coverage in the city. The SO VHF conventional system is also very good in all those mentioned areas. Kerrville's and the County VFD's regional repeaters do the deed for their areas as well. I know that the SO, Road and Bridge, Constables and VFDs will be operating on GATRRS for the county's investment to pay off, but the wildcard is Kerrville Fire for their countywide EMS response area and which system suits them best for both operating in the county coverage area and talking to the other first responders.