our coverage issues cover the whole state with the mountaininas terrain here the county had put in my area extra towers to solve the coverage issues, but because the state don't own those areas they had to put sites in areas they owned instead of where the county owned. if linked together, (which some is ) uhp has different coverage than let say the ambulance has since ambulance is using the nxdn county system and the uhp is using the state p25 system, yet its all patched together...... county was going to go on their own and not go for the p25 system and the city was for it, including other counties. then city decided to buy 800 radios from the state at a discount,, then either Harris or the state came in and told the county we are installing p25 on all radios and took over the county Channel with price fire and price city getting the radios the county had to let them because they both ran off the same Channel. so then because of coverage issues the state put a site at price dispatch psap. with solved the price coverage issues for price city on 800. then the switch happened , and everyone in the state with each cutover was experiencing couldn't hear the other party problem. the problem soon resolved after a few days after the cutover, but there are still many holes in coverage that haven't been resolved.. they either need to sure up the power to the sites or at sites inbetween to fix the problem.