One of our members sent me the following link to a news release about Kentucky Mutual Aid Inititive.....
Marshall, if you get the chance it might be time to correct the name of this thread to what it really is:
Kentucky Mutual Aid and Interoperability Initiative
My fingers ache and my eyes are crossed.. but the KYWINS info is entered in one of the three sections-the 150 meg and 450 meg sections are arranged by KSP Post; the 800 meg section is listed by tx site... if need be I can list those under their respective KSP Posts if that will make it easier to figure out where they go.... if there are mistakes in the info entered plz send me an email, pm or use the submission engine and I will fix it soon....I need to take a few hours off and talk to the wife and kid so they know I am still part of the family..... again, thanx for all the help in getting this done....
Now, there are a bunch of Commonwealth of Kentucky freqs still unidentified.... guess that the next project...
By the way:
Ben (and others) I have read a lot more info on this system and it is a really well-thought out system taking into consideration the various geologic regions of the Commonwealth tempered by the types of systems available coupled with existing State assets.... It isn't going to be the easiest system to keep working because of all the different radios involved, but it should serve us well in times of need.... and it doesn't seem that rebanding is gonna be a factor