Hi, my name is Chloe. I live on the East Coast of the US. I am not a HAM nor am I licensed at all BUT I have an Uniden BC345CRS and access to a Baofeng BF-F8+. I am wondering how to
listen only to- I know I cannot legally make contact with- the ISS HAM frequency. I looked it up, but there are so many frequencies, I do not know which one I need to programme.
I usually listen only to public safety in my area and on Gordon Edwards' Scanner Radio, but would love to add the ISS HAM freq to my scanlist. I just need the correct freq to
LISTEN ONLY. I also do not know how to programme the tone. My local fire agencies use repeaters, but I didn't need its tone to listen.
I am
including my search results below, written in this colour.
Thank you all. Be safe! Cheers!
iss radio frequency - Google Search
iss radio frequency - Google Search