Nice Catch. I imagine the VICTISPORT is one of the MTO inspection stations? Victoria Park would be my guess?Some interesting ones I'm trying to decipher
Durham MTO-E
P25, BEE00.AD9, 2520, 214746, 50, Normal, 0, 2024/11/22 16:26, "" 014566BBECEBBF498172BA567719B3D800000000000000000000000000000000001A0EA80D"METTIS"
Peel MTO-E
P25, BEE00.AD9, 2518, 214312, 50, Normal, 7, 2024/10/29 21:35, "" 012E691A73024855567A6C22D19FE6AD2BF2046CCA9E00000000000000000000008084C106"VICTISPOR"
Various Paramedic units some having D or E after their unit number, the others do not.
On 21020 Toronto transfer I'm assuming PT is a unit out of Peterborough
P25, BEE00.AD9, 21020, 754088, 50, Normal, 4, 2024/11/04 14:00, "" 0134675FAE5D1EB63D551752C9DE1E9F4AF4000000000000000000000000000000CF38FA2E"4927 PT"
and MU is Muskoka Paramedics.
P25, BEE00.AD9, 21020, 755484, 50, Normal, 1, 2024/11/05 17:16, "" 0135671E2656A7A493FE14050A50A0D1AD7200000000000000000000000000000094A0A30D"5165 MU"
Not sure why the techs went with D - Delta and E - Echo for portable identifier's and not A and B
As for the PT and MU units, looks like maybe there is some zone 2 movement there?
I was able to catch on TG 19490 (Queens Park) the dispatcher console ID:
P25, BEE00.AD9, 19490, 730678, 50, Normal, 1, 2024/11/20 18:37, "PP-QPD-101"
Also for MNR;
P25, BEE00.AD9, 5354, 402510, 50, Normal, 1, 2024/11/21 20:24, "R1601"
P25, BEE00.AD9, 5354, 402521, 50, Normal, 3, 2024/11/15 3:05, "R1409"
P25, BEE00.AD9, 5354, 412996, 50, Normal, 7, 2024/11/15 3:05, "RO-SSM-OP204"
P25, BEE00.AD9, 5354, 412997, 50, Normal, 2, 2024/11/21 20:24, "RO-SSM-OP203"