Yep, it's time to go digital. If you can find a GRE PSR-800, it will give you Phase II TDMA capability. I don't think there are any Phase II talk groups on this system now, but it would be a good idea to be prepared. In case you have not heard, GRE is no longer manufacturing scanners, so finding a PSR-800 could be difficult. It is currently the only scanner with Phase II capability. GRE hopes to start making scanners if they can find a new manufacturer, but that is a wait-and-see issue. Uniden BCD396XT, BCD996XT and the pre-programmed Home Patrol work on 700MHz P25 systems. GRE PRS-500 and PSR-600 work with the system, but will be very difficult to find. Likewise Radio Shack digital models, which are made by GRE.
HSV Fire is on the P25 system. Dispatch talk group is not encrypted. Some of the tactical talk groups are also in the clear, but are intermittently encrypted. HSV Police and MCSO are on the P25 system with unencrypted dispatch talk groups with all tactical talk groups encrypted full time. HEMSI is in the clear except for the talk group medics use to contact hospitals when enroute with patients. All County VFD talk groups including dispatch are encrypted. Madison City has not yet moved to the P25 system.