Quite often the Wickenburg site is affiliated and has decent range, I have a feeling there is a 2nd site in Wickenburg. The one site is almost road level near the rest area MP 116ish (right next to the stupid PINE TREE cell tower in the middle of the desert). I have a feeling there is one on Yarnell and they are considering that part of the “Wickenburg Similcast site” because the 60 site looks like it’s basically covering the canyon which was a terrible spot previous. I have yet to take a trip up to Yarnell to verify this.
The Towers site does cover some of Wickenburg, where I sit is basically a perfect window through mountain ranges for me to pick up most of the Towers sites/repeaters. I find at times Wickenburg affiliates more than towers (the 351/352/353 units spend a good amount of time in it).
Once north of Wickenburg on 89 near Wickenburg Ranch and up Yarnell Hill, White Tanks is your best bet... perfect line of sight. North on 93... good luck once you are past the the last roundabout and into the canyons.
With that being said, I JUST got an SDS200, and I prefer the Uniden DMA way of setting things up. If someone is willing to share with me their SDS profile file(s) so I can see how others are setting their favorite lists up, I’d be grateful. I think I have a good grasp, but it would still help. I’m late to the favorites game as the 436/536 didn’t grab my attention. PM me for my email addy.