I am looking for accurate and confirmed information about the MBTA EDACS EA ProVoice system. The information on this site seems to be outdated and or inaccurate. I have a P7100ip portable with ProVoice feature enabled that I am trying to program with the EDACS auto login unchecked and transmit unchecked for all talkgroups. I have programmed it with the information as it appears on this site as an EDACSip (Extended Addressing) system and I'm not having any luck. I put also put the frequencies in conventional Provoice mode to test and I am not hearing anything on the "site 33" frequencies and only short data bursts on the "site 1" frequencies. What is the current status of this system? Is it just used for AVL? It it actively in use? I am able to receive an active and pretty strong EDACS control channel.