did I just reply to a year and a half old post? WTHeck?
I leave my MDC on all my radios on ham bands, because I find it attracts the attention of other hams who use commercial gear, since I have little patients for people who are against the younger generation of hams pursuing a small area of radio communications, I could really careless if someone doesnt like me having it on my radios, as I dont want to talk to them anyway.
The only ham channels it is not on is ones who's owners have asked me to turn it off. I complied, and have not used their repeater since.
I don't think I'd mind MDC1200 tones, I'm used to them on the public safety bands, but I don't use them either. I've never heard MDC1200 on the repeaters in my area, but I wouldn't mind if someone did use it. But I'm probably the minority in my area. If you didn't want to talk to anyone that got angry about using MDC1200, boy, would you be a lonely soul on the repeaters in my area!
I think courtesy tones in general are useless. As a ham, I'd hope you would already be able to tell when someone was done talking, and to also leave some pauses in between transmissions every now and then in case someone wants to break in. At least MDC1200 serves a purpose. Courtesy tones are right on up there with automated 15-, 30-, and 60-minute voice ID's that are nothing more than talking time clocks and tells you which PL to use.
As a side note, I think the courtesy tones from the bubble-pack FRS radios are the worst. Thank god tones like that are not used on the ham bands.
In the NYC area?I know a GMRS repeater that requires all its members to have a tone, wheither it mdc, modat or GE. Its more affective this way cause radio ID is shown on radio that can decode them and the operator can know who's dead keying or jamming other operators.
On amateur radio. Another example of dumbing down. There is absolutely no need for CB sounds on amateur radio.
Dumbing down?
Take a look at this:
Amateur Radio Repeater System covering Chicago and Northeast Illinois - FishFAR
A first rate networked repeater system with 5 outputs, and multiple receive sites one every repeater that automatically guage what reciever has the strongest and use it.
Far from dumbing down, it is one of the most well built, well developed ham reapetr systems in the world.
And you can't get on without MDC.
"CB Sounds" would include roger beep (aka "courtesy tones" on the ham bands) and echo. The courtesy tones remind me so so so much of FRS radios. Long, drawn-out hourly voice ID's are pretty unnecessary too. At least MDC1200 serves a purpose.