Wow, let's dig up an old post. I commend the use of MDC tones for appropriate purposes, though sometimes they become somewhat tiring in frequent exchange situations if you are using a receiver that can't blank (DOS or Data Operated Squelch) the data noise. Unfortunately, as there are children in all groups of people, some in the ham world are too often still caught up in the Fisher-Price toddler toy noises and only want the beepitty-diddly-honk noises because they sound "cool" to them.
And for com501's inquisitory comment: really? It's usually the ones who have no need for any tones at all who seem to revel in having the MDC modulation level at +/-5 KHz instead of at the proper levels.
As for me, I find "courtesy tones" to be very annoying and completely unnecessary, especially those with multiple frequency sequential tones. I don't need a Fisher-Price arpeggio or a silly dual-tone horn honk to tell me the transmission has ended.
And another couple of things, rhetorically speaking, if MDC is verboten, how come no one is requesting action in the specific cases of their use? And while we're rhetorically questioning something, why do so many ham repeater owners display such a disdain for subtone on the output of a repeater? Just sayin'.
Oh, well, I usually handle the tone annoyances by selecting and appropriately operating the channel selector or o-n-o-f-f control.