MDC1200 on Ham

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 3, 2004
how do i REMOVE the mdc1200 sound >
do i need a motorola radio ? there has to be an easy way to just remove the ani sound ?

my background has always been kenwood not M stuff


May 10, 2003
Do you mean remove the MDC from the radio that's transmitting the MDC? That is done in the radio programming software, so unless you have access to the radio in question, the programming gear, and the offending operator's permission, you're out of luck.


do you mean how do you remove/block the annoying sound of MDC being transmitted by another radio from the audio in your radio's receiver? Unless your radio is capable of DOS (Data Operated Squelch, or whatever it may be called on other manufacturers' units), you're out of luck again.

Now I bet with that info it's really annoying to ya.

MDC on public safety/emergency services radios doesn't particularly bother me as it's so common and it's not usually at full modulation levels, but on ham repeaters at full modulation levels it annoys the PP outta me. Ham simplex? I'm sorta OK with that, to a point, but not at full modulation levels.
Last edited:
Jun 17, 2014
mdc use on ham frequencies

I had an incident a while ago where the fcc was involved investigating an interference issue to public safety frequencies.
Well while working with a bunch of other radio companies on this issue
The fcc was there setting up monitorong triangulating equipment
Well I had called a buddy of mine on the radio and I had mdc set up on it
Apparently the fcc investigator had heard it and saw the id sent was 1012 but anyway
He came over to me chewed me out for it made me take it off (hady programming gear in my vehicle)
Said it was not authorized for use on ham radio and said he would fine me if he heard me use it again on ham radio, he said it was fine on commercial frequencies not ham
He was fcc so I removed it and I did not want to face fines and penalties.
So is this true of others are using it but I was told not to by the fcc investigator
Should I start using it again or not? I am trying to find out more about why he said not to use it just have not been able to get a verification on it by anyone
I do not want to face any fines or loose my ham licence because of being told
Mean time I removed it from all ham frequencies and only have it on commercial frequencies
Anyone have any ideas to why I was told thisby the fcc?
Has it been authorized now for use on ham frequencies resently?
Would like to know so I can add ot back to my ham frequencies I had used it on


Sep 28, 2003

MDC on public safety/emergency services radios doesn't particularly bother me as it's so common and it's not usually at full modulation levels, but on ham repeaters at full modulation levels it annoys the PP outta me. Ham simplex? I'm sorta OK with that, to a point, but not at full modulation levels.

Uh, what? Huh?

MDC is sent at a specific level, generally 60% deviation, just like touch tones and all other audible signalling. If it's wrong on a particular radio, it is because someone didn't do a good alignment.
Jun 17, 2014
re: mdc use

Was not a radio allignment issue
He said mdc was not authorized on ham radio
It confuses me since I know others use it too but were never confronted by the fcc
I removed it so I did not end up with fines or penalties from the fcc
Can anyone clear this up is it authorized on ham radio or not?
I would like to add it back on the ham frequencies I use but dont dare to


May 10, 2003
Wow, let's dig up an old post. I commend the use of MDC tones for appropriate purposes, though sometimes they become somewhat tiring in frequent exchange situations if you are using a receiver that can't blank (DOS or Data Operated Squelch) the data noise. Unfortunately, as there are children in all groups of people, some in the ham world are too often still caught up in the Fisher-Price toddler toy noises and only want the beepitty-diddly-honk noises because they sound "cool" to them.

And for com501's inquisitory comment: really? It's usually the ones who have no need for any tones at all who seem to revel in having the MDC modulation level at +/-5 KHz instead of at the proper levels.

As for me, I find "courtesy tones" to be very annoying and completely unnecessary, especially those with multiple frequency sequential tones. I don't need a Fisher-Price arpeggio or a silly dual-tone horn honk to tell me the transmission has ended.

And another couple of things, rhetorically speaking, if MDC is verboten, how come no one is requesting action in the specific cases of their use? And while we're rhetorically questioning something, why do so many ham repeater owners display such a disdain for subtone on the output of a repeater? Just sayin'.

Oh, well, I usually handle the tone annoyances by selecting and appropriately operating the channel selector or o-n-o-f-f control.
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Jun 17, 2014
mdc use on ham frequencies

Looks as though I am going to have to ask the fcc directly since told by them originally
Since ot was an fcc investigator who told me not to use it that its not authorized
Got to get ot cleared up by them directly since not getting an answer here
I know others are using it so why cant I but was told directly not to use it that it is not authorized for ham use this is what I am trying to get answers for but no luck yet
Anyone have possible answers to it ?


Nov 4, 2005
MDC is legal on ham. The whole idea behind ham radio is to have fun and experiment with different modes and signals. You could come up with your own digital format and it would be legal on ham bands. That's the whole idea of ham radio - fun and experiment with any and all aspects of radio.

I played a ham repeater recording on my HP1 to the FCC supervisor. His exact words "the only thing I can hear is the MDC signature". Never said a thing about MDC being illegal.
Jun 17, 2014
mdc use on ham frequencies

Well its good that a fcc supervisor did not say it was illegal just this fcc field agent telling me other wise
Did not want to face fines and penalties from the fcc field agent who was none to polite about it


Premium Subscriber
Jan 16, 2008
Planet Earth
MDC is legal on ham. The whole idea behind ham radio is to have fun and experiment with different modes and signals. You could come up with your own digital format and it would be legal on ham bands. That's the whole idea of ham radio - fun and experiment with any and all aspects of radio.

Amen.. it takes more people with this attitude and less of the other to make HAM a success.


Sep 28, 2003
Wow, let's dig up an old post. I commend the use of MDC tones for appropriate purposes, though sometimes they become somewhat tiring in frequent exchange situations if you are using a receiver that can't blank (DOS or Data Operated Squelch) the data noise. Unfortunately, as there are children in all groups of people, some in the ham world are too often still caught up in the Fisher-Price toddler toy noises and only want the beepitty-diddly-honk noises because they sound "cool" to them.

And for com501's inquisitory comment: really? It's usually the ones who have no need for any tones at all who seem to revel in having the MDC modulation level at +/-5 KHz instead of at the proper levels.

As for me, I find "courtesy tones" to be very annoying and completely unnecessary, especially those with multiple frequency sequential tones. I don't need a Fisher-Price arpeggio or a silly dual-tone horn honk to tell me the transmission has ended.

And another couple of things, rhetorically speaking, if MDC is verboten, how come no one is requesting action in the specific cases of their use? And while we're rhetorically questioning something, why do so many ham repeater owners display such a disdain for subtone on the output of a repeater? Just sayin'.

Oh, well, I usually handle the tone annoyances by selecting and appropriately operating the channel selector or o-n-o-f-f control.

The fact that you call them CB tones suggests that your the one who needs some education..

Amen.. it takes more people with this attitude and less of the other to make HAM a success.

Wow, I'm gonna have to give you like a plus 3!! for those comments. Another person thoroughly grounded in reality.

Those that USE MDC, have resurrected a technology that serves a useful purpose. If you don't want to listen to it, push the channel knob. I personally refrain from using POST on wide area nets, although some of us DO use manual signalling. Its nice to get back in my vehicle and SEE that a message has arrived from someone I was looking for while I was out of the truck. It also makes a nice muting condition if you want to leave your radio on at night but don't care to listen to Bob and Re-Bob driving through some state 8 hours away at 3am. (in two cars, within line of sight of each other, but STILL tieing up 6 states worth of repeater real estate...)



On simplex, one could benefit by a configuration where voice is transmitted with CTCSS or DCS and the MDC1200 or other signaling is sent carrier squelch. Then listeners could screen out the squawks by using the appropriate settings on their receivers.

For repeaters, the situation is a bit more complicated (maybe). A repeater would need to be able to pass voice with CTCSS/DCS while passing non-voice modes coming on the same carrier during the same transmission CSQ. Actually, now that I think of it, getting a transmitter to do that at any level would be a challenge. I'm not aware of any ham equipment that can operate this way.


Sep 20, 2008
Sector 001
... but don't care to listen to Bob and Re-Bob driving through some state 8 hours away at 3am. (in two cars, within line of sight of each other, but STILL tieing up 6 states worth of repeater real estate...)


Yea, Bob and Re-Bob are piss poor operators if they tie up a multi state, wide area repeater system when with in sight of each other... Just looking for attention really...

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Nov 4, 2005
I was told that using a PL tone on ham simplex was illegal. Then was told that the new P25 ham repeater was illegal.

I have the local FCC's phone number in my phones contacts, so I gave these idiots the FCC's phone number/web page for filing a complaint. I begged them to file a complaint.

Both of these idiots did contact the FCC, and were basically told to "pound sand" and our activity was perfectly legal.

I recommend all ham operators know their closest FCC's phone number. That way if someone gives ya crap, give them the number.


Sep 20, 2008
Sector 001
I was told that using a PL tone on ham simplex was illegal. Then was told that the new P25 ham repeater was illegal.

I bet they were close to 90, and could not see, hear and probably wear diapers

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Sep 20, 2008
Sector 001
I was told that using a PL tone on ham simplex was illegal. Then was told that the new P25 ham repeater was illegal.

I bet they were close to 90, and could not see, hear and probably wear diapers

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Nov 4, 2005
I bet they were close to 90, and could not see, hear and probably wear diapers

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


The PL guy said he had been trying to talk to us on simplex for over 18 months! He was very mad when he finally figured out we were running a PL, saying it was illegal yada yada...

I politely ripped him a new one stating that our simplex group uses crossband repeaters and we are responsible for legally running/controlling our stations. Without PL, static and other traffic could trigger our crossband repeaters, which would be illegal. So to stay legal and maintain control over our stations, a PL is mandatory.

Then the P25 guy complained that P25 was illegal because he would have to buy a radio to be able to talk on the P25 repeater. Same guy said MDC was illegal (because he didn't like to hear the squak).

When people don't understand, they seem to assume its illegal then.


Sep 28, 2003
By that reasoning, the fact that broadcasters went digital and I had to buy a new TV set means they owe me some money!
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