Take the Type II TGID and divide by 16 to get the P25 TGID:Now I'm not receiving Ottawa county sheriff department . If I knew the TG # I'd just add it . But the the database doesn't show either .
28176 = 1761 Ottawa Co 911
24976 = 1561 Ottawa Co EMS
26672 = 1667 Ottawa Co FG 1
26704 = 1669 Ottawa Co FG 2
26736 = 1671 Ottawa Co FG 3
26768 = 1673 Ottawa Co FG 4
28208 = 1763 Ottawa Co SO
28240 = 1765 Ottawa Co SO Car
28368 = 1773 Ottawa Co SO Patr
There might be more talkgroups than that and they won't be in the database unless somebody verifies and submits them.