Mid-Atlantic (and beyond) MilAir 2025


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
90018 in the air awaiting AF1 (which is currently 15 minutes behind schedule) for return to ADW
AF1 92-9000 departure for ADW 1718 ET

RCH4189 out of KMCF back to ADW with support equipment from POTUS visit
icao: AE49C4rego: 09-9208type: C17

BANNR96 picking up motorcade from PBI for return to DC
icao: AE07CBrego: 88-0265type: C17
Last edited:


Dec 28, 2024
I found some more ATC audio with PAT25.
They were on 125.05. In the first clip the comms are towards the end. This would be when they were southwest of Leesburg.
Heard again at the beginning of the 2nd clip, both pilots. Then switch to 126.1 around 01:05:30z as they're heading into Poolesville.

ATC has to initiate radio contact with them around 01:08:15. Again at 0115z, with no response.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
RCH830 C17 headed back to DC from ETAR after dropping off WHCA supplies ahead of anticipated unannounced upcoming VP visit across the pond in a week to 10 days (typically).

ICAO: AE123B Reg: 04-4130 Type: C17 Description: Boeing C-17A Globemaster III Owner/callsign: RCH830


Premium Subscriber
Feb 13, 2007
I found some more ATC audio with PAT25.

Here is all the PAT25 audio I've been able to find so far.

PAT 25 LiveATC Audio

Frequency Timeline (UTC)

2339 - 2347 124.275 Davison Tower
2348 - 2349 118.950 Potomac Approach
2349 - 2350 121.000 Quantico Approach
2350 - 0019 No Coverage/Unknown ?
0019 - 0036 No Coverage/Unknown ? At 0019 Potomac Approach 127.325 asking if PAT25 is up on frequency, no reply
0036 - 0038 127.325 Potomac Approach (combined with 128.525) at 0036 radar position 4nm SE of Casanova VOR/CSN
0038 - 0105 125.050 Potomac Approach
0108 - 0119 126.100 Potomac Approach
0110 - 0112 123.075 Montgomery County CTAF at 0112 position 3nm west of Montgomery County/Gaithersburg/KGAI
0119 - 0132 No Coverage/Unknown ?
0132 - 0146 134.350 National Tower (combined with 119.100) at 0133 radar position 6nm north of Odesa (?)

- Times correspond with LiveATC archives
- Unless comfirmed by readback, frequency is assumed as published or as listed by LiveATC
- Quantico Approach and possibly Tower appear to be partially covered on the DAA LiveATC feed
- KCJR is Culpeper Regional Airport
- can anyone confirm the position name given by National Tower, sounds like Odesa ?



Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

From another list

0539z 03 Feb 25

No post-0000z 02 Feb 25 daily communications test count heard by me.

11175.0 was active at 1504z; 1513z; 1522z; 1533z; and 1543z with MILL RUN (NCS HFGCS) broadcasting 30-character EAMs "FOR CRAFT UNION." Nothing heard at 1553z. 10-minute cycle; ###3z timestamps (a common timestamp for these things). All strings except the 1543z string had 3Z prefixes. The 1543z string had a 5Q prefix - an indication of a change in the prefix for this class of strings. Oddly, it's very similar to the current (at least as of 0532z 02 Feb 25) 5G series (5G42JD; 27 characters).\

Note the timestamps below:

1520z DANDELION (E6B; EOSIN 06 ex TINKER) works MILL RUN and enters the net.

At the conclusion of the challenge process, DANDELION said "break" and immediately called SALLY GEE with no known response.

1600z JAKE 11 raised MILL RUN and requested "current message traffic." MILL RUN advised there was none.

1811z SALLY GEE (good levels; interesting audio) called DANDELION and raised.
1812z Both exchanged signal reports.
1812z DANDELION: "Break. Message of 3 groups follows:

"RCU FNE ABK time 12 authentication PC; I say again; RCU FNE ABK; this is DANDELION out." And quiet. The authentication was not repeated in the 2nd reading.

1847z DANDELION called SPACE GUN (unknown).
1850z DANDELION called MILL RUN to exit the net.

To put the 1520z through 1850z window in context, go to ADSBExchange and replay the 1400z through 1850z time period.You'll see the launch of EOSIN 06/DANDELION; the launch of JAKE 11; the eventual DANDELION going dark and apparent meet up with JAKE 11; and the reappearance of DANDELION after breaking it's apparent pattern with JAKE 11. For context, compare the above timestamps with timestamps on the routes of the aircrafts.

The 3-element groups (of various lengths) with authentications are not unknown over the years, but it's still interesting when it happens.

21176z EFFICIENT (E6B) called MILL RUN (probably to enter the net).

EFFICIENT made the run through Texas to the Gulf

2132z MILL RUN broadcast the 30 character EAM FBEM2D.

2200z STICKLER broadcast FBEM2D; h+00/h+30 restoral window.
2230z STICKLER broadcast FBEM2D.
2300z Nothing heard.

There was no NOTAM reservation for the GULF at the time of STICKLER's broadcasts. No VLF transmission was noted (no wire work.)

Another instance of an E6B launching under one callword but performing restoral work under another callword.

(SPELMAN is UTC 03 Feb 25 comm test count callword. Perhaps it'll reappear over the course of the UTC day.)