@1100L F22's lima/charlie here on 233.525.
MISTY 13 just got the phone number…someone’s going to be in some trouble.1030- GRITTY 01 cleared into Viper
1046- ZAPPER 11 cleared into Viper
1048- GRITTY 01 cleared RTB to KLFI via HNK.VILLS.SBY.JAMIE, to ZBW 273.55 (1052)
1057- ZBW calls SNAKE 01 (MQ-9) on guard to advise them F-18s (x2) in their airspace without clearance. F-18 callsign maybe MISTY 13?
1059- CANYON 11 cleared into Viper
My mistake, callsign is GYPSY 13 (Oceana F-18), corrected my earlier post.MISTY 13 just got the phone number…someone’s going to be in some trouble.
Second diversion into KGTB today, GRITTY 4 diverted into Wheeler-Sack this morning with some sort of maintenance issue.1130- CANYON 11 emergency divert to KGTB, to 307.125 Wheeler-Sack Approach.
Rich@1240L Unid 306.2 ZNY sec73 Phillipsburg Hi; a/a 281.0.
A buddy of mine caught the VAQ-209 CAG “Vader” at Burlington Airport (KBTV) today. He said the hornets and growlers were in and out of KBTV.1124- unid cleared in Viper and Lightning 1-2-3.
1129- ZAPPER 11 cleared from Viper to Misty, to ZOB 346.350 (1136).
1130- CANYON 11 emergency divert to KGTB, to 307.125 Wheeler-Sack Approach.
1138- GYPSY 13 cleared from Viper to Misty for AR then RTB to Oceana, to ZOB 346.350 (1145).
This was F-16(s?) from Shaw coming from Oceana for Col Jerry Hoblit.0933- Drago 51 working flyby discrete (279.575).
I have 235.4 listed as NAS Norfolk - VAW-123 & VFA-131 air-air1510- Hearing some intermittent A2A chat on 235.4. I have that listed as a Langley NASA freq.