I think that’s was TROY171, but they were just flying around what what I could tell. Surprised they came up on discrete.0955- Unid DHS acft (no call noted) working discrete (136.275 AM) reporting they are at 7,500 ft.
I think that’s was TROY171, but they were just flying around what what I could tell. Surprised they came up on discrete.0955- Unid DHS acft (no call noted) working discrete (136.275 AM) reporting they are at 7,500 ft.
Have you guys seen this
ADS-B Exchange, larged unfiltered tracking network, sold to private equity firm
Hopefully a new, free and open source, replacement will appear in due course with all the benefits of ADS-B Exchange.
1120- SCOTR01, SCOTR02 KC46s heading southwest passing east of AC at moment. 235.85 A/A
1150- Scooter 1 (voice call) working Giantkiller (118.125) for entry into AR 636 at FL240-260. Scooter advises that Madfox (P-8 VP-5 “MAD FOXES” NAS JACKSONVILLE FL) is already in the AAR area.1120- SCOTR01, SCOTR02 KC46s heading southwest passing east of AC at moment.
235.85 A/A
I see they have split up SCOTR 1-2. Any idea what they may be up to from the A-A chatter ? Clearance on the ground was back to KPSM. SCOOTER is a new PSM callsign for me. Maybe a 1 time thing for a special mission ?
Unfortunately negative. The AA sounded like practice refueling.
JetNOTAM today for 139.4 PTD and METRO at DAA [Davison Army Airfield]: out to service until 7PM on January 30.
And I've long had a hard time when looking at NOTAMs and the NFDD...and in this forum...when restricted areas are mentioned by number only. ["R#### -- is that Warren Grove, or is that Indiantown Gap?"] So I've done some formatting from the latest AP/1A for areas within our listening areas, and came up with this attachment. Hope it's useful.
"I know you're operational and I don't mean to bother you, but Potomac asked us to reach out to you directly to de conflict. What altitude are you at?1237- Acft 801 (DHS) on discrete (136.275 AM) reporting off Tipton Afld.
"I know you're operational and I don't mean to bother you, but Potomac asked us to reach out to you directly to de conflict. What altitude are you at?
Okay, we're just south of you, and you have the priority, so we'll bug out. Happy hunting."