Looking through the Wiki (Montgomery County (PA) Radio IDs - The RadioReference Wiki) it looks like 99% of these are pre-2020 radio upgrade and should be discarded. The current UIDs follow a pattern that I can't explain why they chose but it sorta makes sense.
Out of 8 digits, my research has it broken down like this:
The first digit is a 0 for portable or a 1 for mobile
The second digit is a 3 for EMS or a 5 for Fire
The third digit identifies the county the unit is from. (1=Montco 3=Chester 4=Bucks 5=Philadelphia 6=Delco 7=Berks). Not sure why they skipped 2.
The fourth and fifth digits are the company number. For EMS, they use the second two digits. (Ex: 308 uses 08)
The sixth, seventh, and eighth digits are the radio number, which don't necessarily correspond to the unit number itself.
So a completed EMS ID would look like 13108001 and a completed fire ID would look like 15133001
If anyone has any insight on why they chose this configuration, I'm interested to hear.
Out of 8 digits, my research has it broken down like this:
The first digit is a 0 for portable or a 1 for mobile
The second digit is a 3 for EMS or a 5 for Fire
The third digit identifies the county the unit is from. (1=Montco 3=Chester 4=Bucks 5=Philadelphia 6=Delco 7=Berks). Not sure why they skipped 2.
The fourth and fifth digits are the company number. For EMS, they use the second two digits. (Ex: 308 uses 08)
The sixth, seventh, and eighth digits are the radio number, which don't necessarily correspond to the unit number itself.
So a completed EMS ID would look like 13108001 and a completed fire ID would look like 15133001
If anyone has any insight on why they chose this configuration, I'm interested to hear.