• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

APX Motorola APX series as receive only


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Take it from me....the Motorola of today is not quite the Motorola of the days of the Astro Saber. In fact...it's quite a step down from there.

If I have chosen today's Harris XL platform over the APX platform based experiences with a now 25+ year old radio platform, you really should sit up and take notice. You're letting your fanboyism override your rational judgement.

I agree with this.

Be careful with the 'brand name' attraction. Motorola does make some pretty good radios, but they are not the only player in this market. Other manufacturers make radios that will do quite a bit more, and for less money. Don't let the batwings blind you.

Kenwood/EF Johnson VP8000: Multiband portable radio. Less expensive than Motorola. Will do P25 -and- DMR. DMR capability may be nice if you have DMR in your area, or if you ever decide to branch off into the amateur radio hobby.
Plus, the Armada software is one of the better programming softwares out there.

L3-Harris XL-200P: Multiband portable. Closer in price to Motorola. Option of mission plans, which makes life easier depending on what you are doing. Options for WiFi, LTE, etc. Will do 900MHz, if you so desire.

Tait TP-9800: Multiband portable. There's a TP-9900 on the way that will add DMR. Less expensive than Motorola, and a smaller radio. I trialed one for a few weeks and really liked it.

Honorable mention: Bendix King BKR-9000

Before you pull the trigger on this, look closely at the total cost of ownership. The radio is only part of the cost. You need to look at the cost of accessories, replacement batteries, programming software and cables.
Also, look closely at the programming software itself. They are not all created equal. Kenwood/EFJ Armada software is consistently rated high as an easier software to learn and use.

Whatever you choose, there's some good options on the market right now. Just don't get blinded by one brand name. Motorola isn't who they once were. More competition and better options out there.


May 2, 2024
Hiding in a Shed somewhere
Kenwood/EF Johnson VP8000: Multiband portable radio. Less expensive than Motorola. Will do P25 -and- DMR. DMR capability may be nice if you have DMR in your area, or if you ever decide to branch off into the amateur radio hobby.
Plus, the Armada software is one of the better programming softwares out there.
Did they finally add that? all the literature I keep seeing said "Future release"


Jan 25, 2003
Somewhere On Earth
Take it from me....the Motorola of today is not quite the Motorola of the days of the Astro Saber. In fact...it's quite a step down from there.

If I have chosen today's Harris XL platform over the APX platform based experiences with a now 25+ year old radio platform, you really should sit up and take notice. You're letting your fanboyism override your rational judgement
Who is your comment directed towards?


Getting tired of all the stupidity.
Sep 8, 2002
Somewhere between the Scylla and Charybdis
My comments are directed towards anyone for whom they are relevant. And that would include anyone who has decided, "Damn the torpedoes, I want an APX and nothing else and won't consider other options!"

Sure, I do want an APX8000 and will eventually get one. But it will quite likely be to ADD to the collection of expensive radio toys, and not BE the collection. I'd choose an XL200P first. Or, if simply scanning was the objective, Unication is my front running choice.


Jan 25, 2003
Somewhere On Earth
My comments are directed towards anyone for whom they are relevant. And that would include anyone who has decided, "Damn the torpedoes, I want an APX and nothing else and won't consider other options!"

Sure, I do want an APX8000 and will eventually get one. But it will quite likely be to ADD to the collection of expensive radio toys, and not BE the collection. I'd choose an XL200P first. Or, if simply scanning was the objective, Unication is my front running choice.
I think you are forgetting one very important old school saying "different strokes for different folks". In this country, people can choose what they want. If a person wants Motorola to be their only choice in radio purchases, that is their right. It does not make them dumb, ignorant or lacking in fundamental judgement. It is simply their choice. If you like a particular other brand or several other brands, that is also your right, your choice. It is time to let people have their choice in radios, whatever that may be, and not bash or criticize them for that choice. I have tried other brands and happen to prefer Moto. It is MY choice for MY needs and MY taste, not yours or anyone else's. You wanna be MAGA?, then make America great again by starting with some respect for the freedom of choice others choose to exercise. End of discussion.



Oct 23, 2017
I think you are forgetting one very important old school saying "different strokes for different folks". In this country, people can choose what they want. If a person wants Motorola to be their only choice in radio purchases, that is their right. It does not make them dumb, ignorant or lacking in fundamental judgement. It is simply their choice. If you like a particular other brand or several other brands, that is also your right, your choice. It is time to let people have their choice in radios, whatever that may be, and not bash or criticize them for that choice. I have tried other brands and happen to prefer Moto. It is MY choice for MY needs and MY taste, not yours or anyone else's. You wanna be MAGA?, then make America great again by starting with some respect for the freedom of choice others choose to exercise. End of discussion.

+1 on this. Not sure why people think they can tell others how to spend their money lol

If OP wants to spend the money on an APX, who are we to tell him he can't?


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Dallas, TX
From my perspective, the ones who discourage others from buying Moto equipment tend to be those who manage systems for public safety. They see what happens when an inexperienced person or whacker or someone with good intentions making bad decisions can do with that new Moto toy. If it was just as simple as buying it to be cool great. But often times those same people can cause problems on the very systems they are trying to monitor. THis is why its discouraged by some. There are some individuals on here who see the bad things that can happen with unauthorized radio use and i am glad they speak up. But its just my perspective. Its an opinion so means nothing. If i see people asking questions and i dont feel they are grasping the concept of what they can do i suggest a scanner or G4. Sucks it dont have that wow cool factor of the M radio but will save them in the long run. Or at least id like to Think that.
Im glad the OP is asking questions and wanting to learn. Im a radio guy and dont know jack about Harris and i may be going down that rabbit hole soon.


May 2, 2024
Hiding in a Shed somewhere
From my perspective, the ones who discourage others from buying Moto equipment tend to be those who manage systems for public safety. They see what happens when an inexperienced person or whacker or someone with good intentions making bad decisions can do with that new Moto toy. If it was just as simple as buying it to be cool great. But often times those same people can cause problems on the very systems they are trying to monitor. THis is why its discouraged by some. There are some individuals on here who see the bad things that can happen with unauthorized radio use and i am glad they speak up. But its just my perspective. Its an opinion so means nothing. If i see people asking questions and i dont feel they are grasping the concept of what they can do i suggest a scanner or G4. Sucks it dont have that wow cool factor of the M radio but will save them in the long run. Or at least id like to Think that.
Im glad the OP is asking questions and wanting to learn. Im a radio guy and dont know jack about Harris and i may be going down that rabbit hole soon.
Rabbit holes are fun... Bring an escape rope


Getting tired of all the stupidity.
Sep 8, 2002
Somewhere between the Scylla and Charybdis
I'm not discouraging you from buying whatever you want, I'm just saying, don't buy blindly. Look at what's available to you, make the effort to figure out what's really going to give you the best user experience for your money. I am no longer strictly brand loyal, not when it comes to radios at least. Any company has to EARN my business. It's not automatic or assumed. You owe it to yourself to apply some degree of critical thinking to your own purchasing habits, too.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
OP asked a question. He specifically asked about buying either an APX8000 or an APX900. That's a pretty big difference in radio/capability.

No one told him NOT to buy a radio. Some of us just suggested that there were some other options that he should at least look at before dropping that much coin on a radio they know little about, other than its looks.

That's not discouraging anyone, that's helping the OP benefit from decades of experience in this field. I'm sure the OP is mature enough to make their own decisions and do what is right for them.


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Dallas, TX
I have a BK KNG2-800 and i am very happy with its RX only capabilities. It has a small scan list (16 channels) but i use it as a dedicated radio and let my SDS100 do the scanning. But its not multi band capable. I can also use priority scan on my KNG2 radio.


P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
I have a BK KNG2-800 and i am very happy with its RX only capabilities. It has a small scan list (16 channels) but i use it as a dedicated radio and let my SDS100 do the scanning. But its not multi band capable. I can also use priority scan on my KNG2 radio.
I've often wondered about the BK radios. I've heard of them with RX only receive, but 16 channel scan list only would be very inconvenient vs even the Motorola APX NAS I use now . I could make 16 channels work but often need to edit the scan list, would make it inconvenient