• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

motorola centracom basics/basic questions


Aug 13, 2009
And just be sure AMI talks to the Ambassador or LORI won't talk to Nice.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 5, 2022
Arthur Twp, MN
I'm going to revive this old thread and make an offer. I recently bought the Centracom CEB & Jr console package on eBay and I'm going to need some BIM programming done. My offer is to compensate for the service and provide the needed PROMs to configure them for 4-W tone and 4 frequency control as I'm running MSF base stations and will be adding some Quantars in the near future.
Can anyone help me out with this?


Aug 30, 2023
I'm going to revive this old thread and make an offer. I recently bought the Centracom CEB & Jr console package on eBay and I'm going to need some BIM programming done. My offer is to compensate for the service and provide the needed PROMs to configure them for 4-W tone and 4 frequency control as I'm running MSF base stations and will be adding some Quantars in the near future.
Can anyone help me out with this?
i do not possess the skills to program these, and wouldnt know where to start. i know a moto tech, ill ask if he knows.


Aug 13, 2009
Just fr fun, post pictures and details of what you bought.

Personally, I think your chances of getting it programmed are slim and none - and - slim retired years ago.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 5, 2022
Arthur Twp, MN
Kinda hard to swallow the "predates" thing but I keep forgetting my own age... guess I'm fosslizing.

Will post some pictures when I get things moving.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 5, 2022
Arthur Twp, MN
Well the CEB & console arrived today and I started with the install, won't be posting any pictures as the forum won't allow anything above 2.5MB and my camera doesn't go below 5MB, don't have the time to play format games sorry
Apr 30, 2008
Pittsboro IN


Premium Subscriber
Sep 5, 2022
Arthur Twp, MN
If I get really ambitious I will crop the pix down, I actually made some serious progress on the install and punching down the pairs. The P1 & P2 cables were cut off so I had to wire everything down telco style then go back and correlate the pairs to the pin numbers in the book. I have a 25pr trunk running the length of the place that was used for the T1617 and balanced audio feeds, the 1617 comes out and frees up 18pr as the console only needs the first 7pr, yes this has been quite the project. Tomorrow gets the console end punched down and levels set if my 3551A cooperates then I will drive the MSFs on the dummy and do a final check.
One BIM is configured for 2F and 4 MPL on 4W tone so if I can't find a means of reprogramming the others then I'm going to clone the BIM to the others and go from there.
Will post more when I have it.


Aug 13, 2009
I hate to break this to you, but BIM's don't program. Yes, there is an EPROM on each BIM, but it contains only firmware - not configuration data. With limited exceptions for special applications - for any given BIM version, the firmware EPROM contents are identical for all the BIMs in your system.

Channel functionality: relay keying, DC remote, tone remote, T1R1, T2R2, etc - is all part of the operator position personality.

What's involved in changing those parameters depends on the type of operator interface: OMI, TOMI, TTOMi, or COIM.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 5, 2022
Arthur Twp, MN
Yer definitely right, did some reading in the book, got the EPROM based BLN1149 OMI dated 1987. Still on the long learning curve but determined to soak in what I can, my prior experience is quite limited but I did have the forethought to grab the books before they were tossed.

Did get everything punched down and was about to get the MSFs moved in but a squirrel took out a primary fuse and left me in the dark... number 6 so far for the year, going to cut notches in the pole for the number of kills. Our local utility doesn't see any use in wildlife protection being it's a 2400/4160V system... might have to invest in backup batteries.


Aug 13, 2009
Does yours look like this one?

Nice antiquity. You must have outbid the Smithsonian. Programming an OMI personality PROM is a very primitive and complex process. Not surprising since the product was introduced 40 years ago.


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    ccii dispatcher op.png
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 5, 2022
Arthur Twp, MN
Yeah I own that one and CEB. Didn't have to outbid any museum but did find the power cable to the card cage pulled. Anyway I do run a Dinosaur retirement community and it's another project to keep me occupied.


Aug 30, 2023
Kinda hard to swallow the "predates" thing but I keep forgetting my own age... guess I'm fosslizing.

Will post some pictures when I get things moving.
he just started working for moto like a few years ago. works mainly with p-25 trunked i believe.


Aug 30, 2023
Yer definitely right, did some reading in the book, got the EPROM based BLN1149 OMI dated 1987. Still on the long learning curve but determined to soak in what I can, my prior experience is quite limited but I did have the forethought to grab the books before they were tossed.

Did get everything punched down and was about to get the MSFs moved in but a squirrel took out a primary fuse and left me in the dark... number 6 so far for the year, going to cut notches in the pole for the number of kills. Our local utility doesn't see any use in wildlife protection being it's a 2400/4160V system... might have to invest in backup batteries.
eh, when your done, or if you want to scan them, i would love to have a copy if they arent posted elsewhere on the web.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 5, 2022
Arthur Twp, MN
What would you like scanned?

Anyway we all started somewhere, my Elmer was a Motorola man and he helped me with my first 2-meter base station... A tube Research Line and my first lesson was working the multiples of a crystal and lapping the wafers. He was old school and retired from the old Northwest Orient Airlines as the radio shop foreman, he really knew his stuff. In the end I had several simplex elements plus two repeaters to work with until I had the money for a synthesized rig. It was the 1980s what can I say?

Progress on the Centracom continues at a snails pace. The CEB & console are happy, now it's getting my base stations configured. The CEB was set up for four tone and four DC circuits with one doing 2 freqs and 4 MPL, this one is going to drive the VHF MSF that will be RSS configured to do 6 modes on 2-meters playing with the command tables. I'm in a rural area with only a few 2-meter repeaters so this will work out well, the UHF is a hit & miss and a MSR will be a base/rpt doing 443.725/4A in town.

I will crop down the images and post them in the near future.


Aug 30, 2023
What would you like scanned?

Anyway we all started somewhere, my Elmer was a Motorola man and he helped me with my first 2-meter base station... A tube Research Line and my first lesson was working the multiples of a crystal and lapping the wafers. He was old school and retired from the old Northwest Orient Airlines as the radio shop foreman, he really knew his stuff. In the end I had several simplex elements plus two repeaters to work with until I had the money for a synthesized rig. It was the 1980s what can I say?

Progress on the Centracom continues at a snails pace. The CEB & console are happy, now it's getting my base stations configured. The CEB was set up for four tone and four DC circuits with one doing 2 freqs and 4 MPL, this one is going to drive the VHF MSF that will be RSS configured to do 6 modes on 2-meters playing with the command tables. I'm in a rural area with only a few 2-meter repeaters so this will work out well, the UHF is a hit & miss and a MSR will be a base/rpt doing 443.725/4A in town.

I will crop down the images and post them in the near future.
you said their was some centracom documentation you grabbed when you got the equipment? that is what i was referring to getting scanned, i know it is 1000s of pages.