MRCC/ED Channels Restricted?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 3, 2010
Omaha, NE
Hello, all. It's been about 11 years since I've posted on here, so go easy on me. I tried searching the forums for an answer to my question, but was not successful.

I no longer have any equipment of my own, but I listen extensively to the Calls Platform on Broadcastify - specifically fire/EMS for Hennepin County. The East MRCC and West MRCC channels, as well as other hospital ED channels, can be heard in real time. However, when I go back through the platform to the archives, those particular channels cannot be accessed unless you are an admin or broadcaster. I have noticed this for other states as well. Is this a patient privacy thing?

The reason I bring this up is that, last week, the archives for these channels were accessible for several days before being locked again. What's the deal?