Great minds think alike.
I do use that trick for some banks. For example, I have San Jose PD channels 1 through 20 assigned to bank 6; 601 though 620. And I have the railroad AAR channels programmed into PRO137 channels 305 - 397, corresponding to 3+AAR#.
I initially thought that 1000 channels was way more than enough for conventional channels, but I've found ways to rapidly fill them up one I started entering things like low power biz freqs, wireless microphones, the 12 local control channels (malls, hospitals, etc).
The user interface is reasonably nice once I got used to the volume control. Quite a few things that aren't really in the manual go ahead and work as I would hope/expect.
For example, if you pause a scan by hitting the scan/manual button, you can then enter and freq and hit Srch and you will go directly to a fine tune search, paused at the freq you entered.
A feature that is in the manual, but not obvious is that if you have several freqs programmed for one car, after you enter the car number, pushing Func then lets you scroll through the list. Once you have selected a freq in this way, it then becomes the default for that car. Any other manual selection of a frequency also sets that one as the default for that car number.