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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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NAS XTS2500 Starts Scanning Fine Then After Sometime Traffic Is Sporadic

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Jun 17, 2016
So im back into the radio world recently. Last time i was programming radios was back when MTS2000 RSS was the thing. Now this CPS is pretty damn awesome that we have to use for these pieces of work now days. So i have a UHF MT2000 on a local system that simulcasts the same channels as the 700 system. I have a XTS2500 setup on the system in a NAS format. The issue i am having, is when i turn the radio on it seams to receive all audio for a bit, even sometimes for hours, then for some reason it will stop receiving audio. I no there is audio as the UHF is awake. If i change the conventional channel up one then back down it will immediately come alive. If i do nothing and wait awhile it will start working again, sometimes when there is traffic again or maybe 15 mins later. I have tried to adjust every setting i can think of. I am thinking at this point i may have the incorrect ISW settings. Not sure though. I have the correct band plan in (+30.0000). I have the hold time for scan for voice and data to 1 sec. ISW window adjustment is FE35. System search time is 1 sec. I think for the XTS2500 the ISW is not correct, but i am not sure. I do not remember setting this in the old RSS, Could have forgotten though. If anyone has a little insite that would be great. Thanks in advance for any help guys.


Active Member
Jan 17, 2005
NE Wisconsin

The ISW Window should be set to FFC0. If you're monitoring a SmartZone system then be sure to enable Coverage Type to "SmartZone" in the General Tab of your Trunking System, then also stroke the OmnilLink Box under the Astro 25 OmniLink Tab.



Jun 17, 2016
Thanks Bill, I do already have all of these set points set as above. If I understand the RSSI settings they are for the radio to have the ability to tell if the reception to the control channel is good or not. I have brought down all of those numbers in hopes that a lower number will allow more to come through, even if it goes digital every once in a while. I may be wrong on what the RSSI settings do though, would you no?


Premium Subscriber
Jul 1, 2016
This behavior typically indicates the radio needs to be aligned. There is no reason to mess with parameters such as ISW and RSSI. Leave those alone and set at the defaults.

Have the radio tuned/aligned.


Jun 17, 2016
Ok, I will look into having that done. Are there "factory set points" for all of those ISW and RSSI settings so that i can adjust them back? Or is it per radio those are set?


Premium Subscriber
Jul 1, 2016
ISW and RSSI... those are defaults in the CPS / codeplug.

In Trunking Configuration, General, there are 3 fields. Defaults: 61 30 FFC0

In Trunking Configuration RSSI Thresholds, there are 7 fields. These are the defaults: 80 102 Disabled 34 40 46 4D, Strong Signal Roaming = Unchecked.

Hopefully, you didn't mess with anything else.

The soft pot values adjusted in Tuner (tuning/alignment) will vary radio to radio.


Jun 17, 2016
The code plug that came with the radio had the 3 filter constants at 0,0,0 and the threshold constants at 2,2,2 is that also correct?
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