NC Cnty Freq & Codes
I understand what you want to do and why.....but, (1) are you a member of a fire/rescue or EMS group in NC?...(2) are you a licensed amateur radio operator?
(1) if you are a certified fire/rescue or EMS provider you will be ok, just id yourself as such.
(2) if you are only a ham that wants to may have problems.
1. ham radio ops can use these freq. only in an extreme emergency (their opinion not yours)
2. your ham radio is not type certified (minor problem in an emergency)
3. many counties are now digital or dispatch on a different freq. than 155.280, 154.280
4. many counties have identifiers on their radios that identifies who is talking and they will not talk to
a radio without an identifier....but they will report you to the FCC when you id yourself!
I also travel and I have found it is always better to find a local ham that can relay the info. than it is to use my fire radio.
Best of luck and I hope that you never have to use the info you have.