waiiiitt a sec, the whole bring the violator back to the car thing, that was just so they could hear their radio?
and for the past ten or fifteen years now my self-esteem has been plummeting for nothing?
i mean when i first started off driving, they always asked me back to their car for some friendly banter (umm, awkward chatter) and as i got older, well, it seemed to happen less and less.
no one seemed to want to talk anymore.
"No, no. Don't get out. You can stay in your car sir. This will just be a minute."
***Trooper gets back into his car, I swing my leg back into mine, looking back over my shoulder when i shut my door, making sure he doesn't think I am bout to make a run for it.....thumb twiddling ensues, sometimes evolving into rear-view mirror self-inspection and eventually zit-po....well you know what i am talking about***
"hmmmm, guess he thinks i'll be a distraction or something.... maybe i just ain't got it anymore....i mean i'm a fun guy, a funny guy...well not like that, but you know, funny-ha-ha-funny....geez, maybe there is some note when they pull up my plate.
-Officer note: Subj talks incessantly, thinks he's funny. Rec'd left in own vehicle. To think about what he has done.
i have been getting a complex over this!
a 2-300 buck chit-chat ain't what i am looking for on a saturday night, but then in addition, being Socially Shunned? insult to injury! Its been really eating at me.
Man, my therapist is gonna get laugh over this.