Pro-668: Need help ISCAN Trunking P25 programming

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2017
Humble, Texas
I just can't seem to get the hang of how to do this manually and get it to work. I need someone to please walk me thru the basic steps and help identify why I'm having so much trouble doing this.

What I'm trying to do is simply program the local police that patrol in my neighborhood and area, into my scanner on it's own playlist and maybe on it's on v-scanner folder. I have the RS PRO-668 ISCAN software.

Ok so first thing I do is:
1. Create new configuration. CDAT_VS.003 which shows empty.
2. Set banplane
3. Library Import
4. Select import type, preferred
5. Select State, Texas
6. Select County, Harris
7. Select Systems, Texas Wide Area Radio Network (TxWARN) (P25)
8. Select Sites and this is where I start to get confused, all of the sites are checked, and there are atleast 100. I assume these sites are radio towers? I look for the one closest to me and I check it and uncheck the other 99 sites. Number 1-005 Name "Humble" Harris County
9. Hit Back then Talkgroups
10. All Talkgroups are checked so I uncheck all and find the one I want.
11. Check Harris County Constables
12. All Precincts are checked but I only want Precinct 4 so I manually uncheck all of them except Precinct 4, So that leaves 6 TGID's checked.
13. Import Channels to Playlist 001.
14. Now I look at Trunked Radio Systems tab
15. Highlight the Trunked Radio System that I just imported
16. Then under theTrunked System Information I highlight the site which is Humble (Harris County)
17. Site Details shows the frequencies and again I get confused here because the frequencies were automatically put in order just as they are shown in the under "System Frequency" list for Site "Humble" Harris County. It put in 5 Frequencies and the control channel frequency is not at the top of the list. Should I change the LNC order or just leave it as is, Should I just put in the Control Channel frequency only at the top of the LNC order and delete the others?
18. When I look at Talk Group Details it shows the 6 HCC04 TGID'S and I see there is an option to add a wildcard, should I add wildcard?
19. Ok so now I go back to general tab, name playlist to something like Const4 p25 or whatever, make sure it is enabled. Now I'm done. and have nicro sd card in card reader of computer.
20. Copy configuration to scanner memory card. Proceed with copy, Available drive, PRO-668 "f" continue, I've got three v-folder and the default CDAT folder. I'll copy all folders, file copy complete. I then install the sd card in my scanner and can select the v-scanner folder that I just created and try to play or scan and It never picks up anything, almost like it's not even working.
Where am I going wrong. Sure appreciate an education on this, I'm sort of beginning to understand but I know I'm still doing things wrong, obviously.

Also is there a way to use the radioreference database to determine which radio tower/site a particular Talkgroup uses?? How can I determine which Site my local Harris County Constable Precinct 4 uses because if you don't know that information, how can you get the right Control Channel frequency identified?
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2009
Above ground
...7. Select Systems, Texas Wide Area Radio Network (TxWARN) (P25)
8. Select Sites and this is where I start to get confused, all of the sites are checked, and there are atleast 100. I assume these sites are radio towers? I look for the one closest to me and I check it and uncheck the other 99 sites. Number 1-005 Name "Humble" Harris County...

When I get to your #8 I see 3 Harris Co sites; unselect all then pick the one closest. I can't listen to it, I'm on the East Coast.

Edit: If you want your local PD do this: Texas>Counties>Next>Harris>Systems>TXWARN (P25)>Sites>Clear All>Highlight Humble..>Back>Talkgroups>Clear All>Highlight Harris Co-Humble>You should see your local PD and FD> Highlight what you want> Import
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