Need help setting up DSD+ Fastlane

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Aug 11, 2021
Need help setting up DSD+ Fastlane with SDRplay RSPdx and SDRuno.

Was using DSD+ 1.101 with VB-Audio Virtual Cable. Launched DSD+ with i3 o1. That works fine.

Purchased lifetime Fastlane. Using 2.347. Set shortcut to same -i3 -o1. When launching DSDPlus.exe, I get an error 'DSD+ single receiver mode requires a FMPA/FMPP/FMP24 link'

FMPP-CC.bat is default
FMPP -rc -i1 -o20001 -f935.0

FMPP-VC.bat is default
FMPP -rv -i1 -o20002

FMPP.cfg is
serial number ; SDRPlay serial number list
3 ; sampling rate (3 Msps)
1024 ; spectrum window width
32 ; FFT size (16k, 32k, 64k)
10 ; spectrum update rate in Hz
5000 -6250 7500 12500 15000 25000 100000 ; step size table; units = Hz; negate default
. ; DSD+ path
C:\Download Files\DSDPlus2p347\USA\USA.csv ; primary frequency list CSV path\filename
.\FreqList2.csv ; auxiliary frequency list CSV path\filename
miles and bearing ; miles or kilometers
120 ; search distance
32.63656900 -84.79936000 ; search origin

1R.bat is default
DSDPlus -r1 -T -E -Pwav -i20001 >>1R-log.txt

I don't understand the error message since I have FMPP configured. What does it mean?

For DSD+ 1.101 I launch DSDPlus.exe with -i3 -o1 and then launch SDRuno. Attempted to do the same with DSD+ 2.347, launching DSDPlus.exe with -i3 -o1, then launch SDRuno just to get it to work, but I get the error. i3 is VB-Audio Virtual Cable.

Thanks for assistance.


Sep 19, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
Need help setting up DSD+ Fastlane with SDRplay RSPdx and SDRuno.

Was using DSD+ 1.101 with VB-Audio Virtual Cable. Launched DSD+ with i3 o1. That works fine.

Purchased lifetime Fastlane. Using 2.347. Set shortcut to same -i3 -o1. When launching DSDPlus.exe, I get an error 'DSD+ single receiver mode requires a FMPA/FMPP/FMP24 link'
Add -rp

DSD+ is defaulting to -r1 (trunk tracking single receiver mode), so you need to change it to -rp (passive digital monitor mode)

FMPP-CC.bat is default

The contents of your batch files isn't relevant, since you're not using any of them.


Aug 11, 2021
Thanks. I added -rp to the DSDPlus.exe shortcut and that allowed DSD+ to launch. But every channel it decodes has many lines of ERR. The Event Log says 'Use a FMPA/FMPP/FMP24 link and correct channel bandwidth to decode'. So it seems that I am back where I started.

How do I establish a FMPA/FMPP/FMP24 link?


Sep 19, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
You do it by following the docs. It's especially important to do so since you appear to be monitoring PSK modulated P25 signals.

From the Notes.txt file:

Using DSD+ with supported SDR devices

DSD+ directly supports trunk tracking (control/rest channel following and voice channel
following) of NEXEDGE, Capacity Plus, Connect Plus, Tier III and P25 Phase I/II systems
when coupled with one or two RTL2832U-based DVB-T dongles, Airspys or SDRPlay RSP2s.

When one device is used for trunk tracking, one copy of DSD+ is used to switch between
control/rest channel monitoring and voice/data call following. For most system types,
DSD+ will monitor each voice call until it completes before switching back to the
rest/control channel. However, on most P25 systems, voice channels carry more system data,
which allows DSD+ to immediately switch from monitoring a lower priority call
to a higher priority call.

A single copy of DSD+ plus a single SDR device can also be used to monitor conventional
analog and/or digital voice channels.

When two SDR devices are used, one copy of DSD+ monitors and follows the control/rest channel
while a second copy follows voice calls. The main benefit of using two devices is fully
prioritized voice call following on all system types. As noted above, for P25 systems,
using two devices offers minimal additional benefits over the use of a single device,
although the ability to capture and log all control channel activity may be of value
for some users.

DSD+ interfaces with RTL2832U-based DVB-T dongles via the FMP24 program. FMP24 performs
the required tuning, filtering and demodulation SDR functions.

The FMPA program is used with Airspy devices. Your Airspy serial number(s) should be added
to the FMPA.cfg file; right-click on it and use Windows Notepad to edit the file.

The FMPP program is used with SDRPlay RSP2s. Your RSP2 serial number(s) should be added
to the FMPP.cfg file.

Single-dongle monitoring:

To use a single device, run the 1R.bat file to start DSD+,
then run the appropriate batch file for your device:

DVB-T dongle: FMP24-CC.bat

Airspy: FMPA-CC.bat


DSD+ and the FMPx SDR software (FMP24, FMPA or FMPP) should start talking to each other
and raw demodulated audio waveforms should be displayed in DSD+'s Source Audio window.
The Windows Firewall may prompt you to allow FMPx to act as a server / accept connections;
click the check boxes to allow FMPx to function properly.

Tune your SDR by left-clicking in the FMPx RF spectrum window or by using the left/right
cursor keys or by directly typing in a radio frequency (in MHz) and pressing Enter.

Pressing '?' will list all of the FMPx keyboard commands in the FMPx console window.
Commonly used commands relate to RF gain levels, tuning step sizes and channel filtering

If FMPx is tuned to a conventional digital voice channel,
DSD+ will decode any unencrypted digital voice that is present.
Use the DSD+ menus to ensure that DSD+ is sending audio to your PC speakers.

If FMPx is used to monitor analog channels,
select "Monitor Source Audio if No Sync and Signal Present" in the DSD+ input menu.

If FMPx is tuned to a P25 control channel, DSD+ will automatically start trunk tracking
and decoding unencrypted Phase I and Phase II voice traffic.

For some NEXEDGE and Tier III control channels, DSD+ will automatically start trunk tracking.

For most NEXEDGE and Tier III systems and for all Capacity Plus and Connect Plus systems,
accurate channel data for the site being monitored has to be added to the DSDPlus.frequencies
file to enable trunk tracking.
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