Simulcast is definitely an issue in that area with just about any scanner that isn't an SDS 100 or 200. I have a BCD325P2 and most traffic is very choppy. I had my 325 on while driving through 4th and Main St the other day and radio traffic from CFD was coming in ok but not great, still a bit choppy. I live in Anderson Township and although I have great signal strength, I am not getting clear or complete transmissions if at all. The good news is that a good old analog scanner can be used with Hamilton County and neighboring Clermont Co along with Northern KY. You won't be able to hear Cincinnati Fire or the City of Norwood at all but you can certainly hear tons of FD's dispatched for numerous counties and townships on conventional. From my home on the eastern side, I'm reaching Middletown Fire with my BC125AT analog scanner loud and clear. I am doing my homework on the SDS100 while they are on national backorder, as it is a pricey desire.