Need more radios


Jun 20, 2024
Air Force City, Trenton ON
Well you cab still run your BC125AT as a PC driven Base Station and get frequency logging, recording, etc. with Scan125, assuming you don't already use Scn125 :)

LOL assuming I know what Scan125 is. Googling it.

Edit: OMG I'm so dumb. I just realized it's your user name. I will definitely download it. It looks great. Thanks!
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Jun 20, 2024
Air Force City, Trenton ON
The Icom IC-R6 is one of the fastest scanners on the market and is an excellent airband scanner. The used ones come up on Facebook Marketplace or Kijiji every now and then, and it is still in production today. Canadian prices for new R6 scanners are a bit high, but used might be an option. (Full disclosure - I have one in Canada that I would sell, complete with a Diamond RH77 antenna, Eneloop charger and RT Systems programming cable.)

The Icom IC-R6 is not really for beginners though. It is VERY compact and unobtrusive, but the downside is lack of buttons for front panel programming. (I would not even attempt it. Get the RT Systems software!) Until you get used to the buttons and the multiple functions of each one, you might need the manual nearby.

The reason I am selling mine is that I replaced it with an aviation transceiver. (I work at the airport now, and a transceiver was more useful to me.)

I think that one might be a little too complex for me but once I gain some confidence I'll hit you up. Just out of curiosity, how much are you selling it for? (You can PM me).


Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2023
I have a Radio Shack Pro-164 coming so we'll how that goes for now.
I haven't used my PRO-164 for 2 years. We moved and I haven't been as active chasing aircraft. Last time I used them was from Marathon Florida in April 2022.

I have been listening with one of them the past few days since you decided to get one. They are fantastic on VHF and UHF air. Nice clear audio. Very good reception. The stock antenna that came with them performs just fine, but the stock antenna that comes with the Uniden handheld scanners are a bit better. I would suggest using a telescopic antenna extended to about 21 inches. They are pretty cheap on Amazon. One for $5.99 two for $7.99 US.
POBADY BNC Male Connector Telescopic Antenna 7 Sections VHF UHF 68.5cm/27IN Telescopic BNC Plug Antenna for CB Radio Police Scanner Ham Radio Two Way Radio Mobile Scanner Wireless Microphone

I use a VHF transceiver rubber duck antenna made by Yaesu on mine. Yaesu YHA-74. They are about $25 US. I have one for each PRO-164. A similar one came with my Yaesu VHF air transceiver. They work well receiving on UHF as well. They even work well receiving VHF high band frequencies including VHF marine.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2023
I didn't realize the BC125AT didn't have 380-400. All of my frequencies so far are below that in the 200 and low 300 range. The Thunderbirds are coming to Ottawa in September so 384.55 is a must have. I will see if the PRO-164 is still on eBay.
There is another PRO-164 on eBay. $100 US or best offer plus $18 shipping. I hope yours is a good one. It was a good price. Maybe it was priced down due to the appearance battery holder.

Radio shack PRO-164 Handheld Analog Scanner | eBay


Jun 20, 2024
Air Force City, Trenton ON
I haven't used my PRO-164 for 2 years. We moved and I haven't been as active chasing aircraft. Last time I used them was from Marathon Florida in April 2022.

I have been listening with one of them the past few days since you decided to get one. They are fantastic on VHF and UHF air. Nice clear audio. Very good reception. The stock antenna that came with them performs just fine, but the stock antenna that comes with the Uniden handheld scanners are a bit better. I would suggest using a telescopic antenna extended to about 21 inches. They are pretty cheap on Amazon. One for $5.99 two for $7.99 US.
POBADY BNC Male Connector Telescopic Antenna 7 Sections VHF UHF 68.5cm/27IN Telescopic BNC Plug Antenna for CB Radio Police Scanner Ham Radio Two Way Radio Mobile Scanner Wireless Microphone

I use a VHF transceiver rubber duck antenna made by Yaesu on mine. Yaesu YHA-74. They are about $25 US. I have one for each PRO-164. A similar one came with my Yaesu VHF air transceiver. They work well receiving on UHF as well. They even work well receiving VHF high band frequencies including VHF marine.

I can't wait to try it out. I'm sure the stock antenna will do the trick. The one on my Bearcat is fine.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 18, 2018
Cleveland, Ohio
I bought one from ebay which was in very good condition but the performance was very disappointing, especially how highly regarded that radio is in this forum, so I returned it and got my money back. I am really impressed with the Icom IC-R15