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No one can hear that repeater and the anoucement needs to be put on the 146.700 Weds Night Net and then be posted on and also on the Central Indiana Ham Radio Yahoo Group.This way all of us will not be left in the "Dark"

Which repeater are you speaking of? If it is the the one in hamilton county that was in noblesville, that has been moved to a new tower location 300 ft in the air.


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
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Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
No one can hear that repeater...
I can hear both the 145.170 and 443.550 repeaters when I'm in the Brownsburg area and checked into their net last Sunday from Brownsburg while mobile.


Sep 21, 2004
Bob, Some of us in Nothwest Metro Indianapolis/Marion County cannot get the 145.170 and the 443.550 from my home or mobile.Also others across The Metro cannot hear either repeater.Hams in Carmel(Hamilton County) cannot get into the 145.170 or the 443.550.This is nothing like when we had the 147.390 when it was analog it was a "High Profile Repeater".Now that 147.390 is D-star(Digital) we do not have that availble to us in Metro Indianapolis/Marion County.Maybe Hamiton County should go back to using 146.970/442.650.This way Marion County and Hams in Carmel can be able to talk to eaxh other when we need to.


I would STRONGLY encourage you to try the 145.17 77hz tone repeater again. It has been moved and is now 300ft in the air. So far I've heard nothing but great things about the new location and quality of the repeater.


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
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Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
So far I've heard nothing but great things about the new location and quality of the repeater.
This evening, I tried accessing the repeater from my office parking lot near Methodist Hospital on the north side of downtown Indianapolis. I was able to activate the repeater and received it about 70% of full scale. I drove north on I-65 and chatted with another ham on the repeater starting at I-65 and White River and continuing to Cooper Rd and 62nd St. By the time I got to Michigan Rd and 71st St, a couple other hams were talking on the repeater which I was receiving full scale. When I got up to 79th St and Michigan Rd, I broke into their conversation and asked for a signal report. The report was that my signal into the repeater was a bit noisy, but easily understood. All of this was while mobile running 10 watts into a half-wave antenna.


Sep 21, 2004
Thanks as this was not needed or REQUESTED. Hams in Hamilton County in the Carmel area CANNOT get into the 145.170 or the 443.550. Again for the record I cannot in any way size, shape, or form get into the 145.170 where people can hear me from the Metro NW Side.You have found out BOB that you cannot be heard on that repeater with a full copy,146.97 or the 442,650 are still the best repeaters to use to hams and others in Hamilton County.Yes maybe you can hear the repeater but in a case of a emergency you need to be under the repeater to be heard with a full copy. 146.97 and 442,650 are very High Profile Repeaters and I will continue to use 146.97 and 442,65.No need for me to use the 145.170 when you CANNOT BE HEARD. **Please feel free to ask W8FCC and others in the Carmel area along ** that have been ignored in the past when they try to pass severe weather'Real Time Reports" to the local Net Control.**They are told if they cannot make the local County repeater to go to the 146.97.When they go to the 146.970 N9NWS tells them to go back to their County Repeater. End of story------------------------
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Since you are very obviously set in your ways and refuse to even attempt the new location, i see this converstation and moot and off topic. Please lets all get back on topic and that topic is the new and upcoming program called NETGuard.

If you wish to complain about the hamilton county repeater at 145.17 77hz, please create a new thread and complain there.

If you were unaware of the new program, then please contact Mr Alley and ask him why it was not advertised on the "Marion County" repeaters and groups. I posted the information in an attempt to help get the word out, not to be brow beat with "how bad the hamilton count repeater is", or other topics that has nothing to do with the original discussion.


I'm sure Mike would be more than happy to share. Hopefully you can make it up here for an informational meeting and can get some more ideas.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 24, 2009
Out of the Dark

Good Morning;

Thanks for starting up this thread. Social media and how to monitor and push out information was a topic for the missions and tasks of the NET Guard team members, so it seems only fitting to have the thread here.

From a program view, Hamilton County applied for and was selected as one of four UASI based counties in the USA to participate in the PILOT program to determine the viability of a NET Guard team of volunteers and the templates to be shared to establish teams. The program application was supported and then followed by county commissioners, EMA, communications, information technology, and volunteer program leadership in the county. The program was for 2+ years and has just concluded. The PDF flyer for the program is posted with the first post and some overall good info can be found there. Over the course of the program to help define it, I can share with you I met with local counties and state RACES officers, EMA directors, IDHS, INVOAD, CERT, Red Cross, private sector resources and national level resources and we continue to develop the relationships begun through the pilot program.

To help on some confusion, for our County's teams (the teams are established under a local EMA and deployable as the EMA wants - local, district, state, region, national), we have communications and information technology based teams, with many of the volunteers so far having skills in both. As was shared with the group in Hendricks county, we assessed and determined that the value the teams would have are in providing "just-in-time" local communications, digital communications local and long distance, and non-enterprise level information technology support. Amateur radio is a big piece of the communications team.

An immediate request the team has is to provide monitoring of amateur radio frequencies and provide IT support to a national level exercise control team. This would be typical of the support needed to various emergency support groups (ESF's) in our local counties during the first 48 to 72 hours of a significant event.

While we have had a good response of excellent individuals to the flyers that were sent out in the county, it is disappointing to hear that there is a group that filed them in the circular file. Hopefully as the program grows, or through other means, those hams have a way to practice their skills.

kb9sxk - please let me know ANY info you need, "stealing" not required :) I've met with several of the county groups in the State to provide information and share ideas. I think I was in DC with your director for the FPC and may have even talked to him about NET Guard. Either way, the intent of the program was to develop materials to help push out the program, and I'll certainly help however I'm able to time wise.

Our next meeting is in Noblesville at Riverview Hospital on Thursday, May 12th. It will begin at 6:30pm in the Board Room meeting area. We will cover program updates for new attendees and the training and activities planned for the future.

If you need any info, please feel free to try me on the 145.17 repeater or m_alley@earthlink dot net. FYI, I live in the northern part of the county, work in Carmel, and have a training center in Plainfield. I have no problem communicating from any of these locations on the repeater.

KC9MSK, Mike


Sep 21, 2004
Mike,Thanks for your post,I did send you both a e-mail and a pm.I am intrested in the program.Where can I see this in operation.Never did hear back from you on e-mail or a pm.As a Ham in Metro Indianapolis/Marion County I am very intrestred.Would like to meet you for a face to face and see where I would fit in the program.I will try the 145.170 repeater but the last time I tired it from NorthWest Marion County from 79Th and Michigan Road a station on your repater told me that they could not copy me good enough to have a contact.Will try to give you a call.I will send you a pm.Please advise.Thank You.


Just wanted to pop in a quick reminder for those interested, the next NetGuard informational meeting is May 12th at 1830 (630pm) at Riverview Hospital Board Room in Noblesville Indiana. Address to the hospital is 395 Westfield Road, Noblesville IN 46060 for those that may be traveling from outside of the area, it is right at the corner of State Road 32 (conner street/westfield rd) and State Road 38 (sheridan rd)

Hope to see everyone there!
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