From that location, I also heard this new system's CC a bit weaker:
WACN: 92777
SID: 003
Site: 1
NAC: 004
0-356 773.45685 scc
Not that it matters much, but I just saw a typo above. It should be:
0-356 773.45625 scc
From that location, I also heard this new system's CC a bit weaker:
WACN: 92777
SID: 003
Site: 1
NAC: 004
0-356 773.45685 scc
Still not hearing anything here in Garden Grove on any frequency.Anyone note any activity on this system?
The system is a bit too weak for me to monitor.
Is the control channel still on the air?
Looks like a Motorola System if the WACN is showing BEE00. Harris WACN is always showing like its a Zip Code number looking WACNNice catch! Great signal from the north OC coastal area. TG 7003 is active this evening also. I'm going to let Unitrunker do its thing.