When I swap in the Randy for the usual radio in my KW, I don’t notice a great diminution as against common radios (AM or Export). I also don’t expect a handheld to be their peer. A user of a UNIDEN 880 will find it familiar in ability depending on the rest of the radio system.
RX was crisp against the same level of hiss as a Lincoln or McKinley. Having a number of noise-control features is welcome (especially, Hi-Cut). DSP Speaker was cranked harder than with typical radio, but that was to cut background, NOT to be able to decipher RX.
TX was reported as fine. I used the optional mic (lapel speaker/mic can also be used; attach radio to belt like a business two-way, etc) and its small, solid & positive.
Haven’t tested the supplied antenna, but you can find Utube vids showing 3-miles. That’s what most folks would expect. The antenna system is decisive (as with every radio).
With an Iowa or Maryland this unit looks to be a good Fly & Drive option.
I’ll be giving this to my son to keep and use as he sees fit. We did a radio installation in his vehicle earlier this year. The Randy will make a useful second radio easily stored.
That McKinley can be moved to the house and used as a base, and the Randy hidden away to use in the car.
Or the handheld used at the campsite with a dipole tossed up in the trees; the mobile still in the vehicle coming & going. Dipole, radio & accessories stored in a case for easy use otherwise. I’ll let him figure out solar re-charge.
I’m glad to have acquired it.