New Roll Call

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DB Admin Member
Database Admin
Oct 29, 2005
Northwest, WA
OK we have had a few new people join this forum this year, so lets sound off, where are you at and what kinds of scanners are you using?
I am in Stanwood that's in the very north end of Snohomish County and my main scanners are a pro-2051,96,97, GRE-500 and a lot of older ones as I look around the shack from where I sit see about 16 different receives and transceivers, I picked up this bad habit years ago, my dad was in the navy and I was raised all around the world I started out with shortwave radio in the 60's in Japan it was the only way for us to keep in touch with the rest of the world, in the 70's we where in Puerto Rico and talked skip all around the world on CB'S upper and lower sideband CQ CQDX.

whats your story?
May 22, 2005
Gig Harbor, WA
I am Located in Gig Harbor, and I have a Radioshack Pro 94, Pro 97, and Pro 2051. I got started by my friends dad he gave me a frequency book, I got my first scanner on my 12th birthday and was hooked. I am 20 years old now, I have been scanning for 8 years now, and I still love it.
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DB Admin Member
Database Admin
Oct 29, 2005
Northwest, WA
I am Located in Gig Harbor, and I have a Radioshack Pro 94, Pro 97, and Pro 2051. I got started by my friends dad he gave me a frequency book, I got my first scanner on my 12th birthday and was hooked. I am 20 years old now, I have been scanning for 8 years now, and I still love it.
Very cool.


Rock or Something
Jun 19, 2002
Let's see...I'm in Puyallup, been listening on and off about 15 years, started with one of those 'world band' radios that had Kent (ValleyComm) marked on the VHF tuning dial at 155.685. Progressed to a Radio Shack Pro-41, then onto the venerable Uniden BC200xlt. Moved into trunking with a Uniden BC235xlt and then the Rat Shack Pro-94, which is still my personal candidate for 'Biggest Piece of Crap Radio EVER'. I upgraded the conventional side of things to a Uniden SC200, which I still use. Bought a close-out Radio Shack Pro-2027 for the nightstand as the sheriff's office I worked for was still VHF-high conventional, later moved it into my office. Recently bought a GRE PSR500, still having fun and tearing my hair out learning it.


Mar 2, 2007
tacoma wa.
roll call

boy when did all start?? my first scanner was a little radio shack number that required those ever popular chrystals!! still have em' too. that was in 1978! 20years later my (now ex) wife bought me a bearcat 60 programable. man i thought i was the big leagues. that was until i bought a radio shack pro2040 bought used and it has served me well. still have by the way. now i use a pro97. it has literally me 18months to figure out things like text tagging, talk groups, etc, etc ,etc. when my so called "stimuls" gets here i will buy the cd and cable and actually pay r/r for their service. i want to get as much out of this radio as i can before i (gag) upgrade again.


Mar 23, 2003
Bainbridge Island, WA
Radio shack four channel crystal controlled scanner. circa 1983? Scanners I've owned along the way in no particular order . . Regency electronics HX-1000 Radio shack Pro34. .BC 245XLT. Radio shack Pro 2006. Radio shack Pro95 Trident TR-2400.

Currently own Radio shack Pro96 Radio shack Pro97 Radio shack Pro2006

GRE/PSR 500 (need help with an issue with it)


Sep 24, 2007
I'm in the area I still call Auburn/Federal Way, as it just became part of Auburn at the beginning this year. Next year I'll be living on the UW campus. I started scanning only last September. I had seen an "advertisment" of sorts in Radio Shack's '99 catalog for scanners, advertising how you could listen to "local heros." It was something in the back of my mind that I thought would be cool. In '07 I remembered this and did some research for my upcoming birthday. I got the Pro-97. Now I have 3, I'm looking to make it 2. I also have a Uniden BR330T, 4 Maxon SP-320 UHF radios that I have programmed with some conventional frequencies, an SP-310, same thing but VHF, and a Yaesu VX-7R that I got for a screaming deal on eBay. I'm not ham licensed yet, but I've started reading the ARRL book and I'm hoping I'll be licensed this summer.


May 9, 2008
Poulsbo, WA
I'm from Poulsbo, closer to Port Gamble actually. I have a Radio Shack Pro-26 scanner, an Alinco DJ-X10T Communications Receiver and a Yeasu FT-100D Transceiver. I'm a ham, callsign is N7YAP, not very active at this time, got rid of all my big antennas when I moved 3 years ago. I have always enjoyed listening to scanners and keeping up with frequencies. No big need for trunk tracking around Kitsap county yet. I'm 50 this year.

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Retired Fire Lieutenant
Aug 25, 2004
I have been scanning since about 1976 ! I grew up in the Greenlake area of Seattle listening to Seattle Fire when they only had 3 Freq.'s Used to Listen to SPD car to car and North units Boy and Nora. I have a BC-895XLT & BR-330T Now primarly listen to the Snohomish County TRS.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 23, 2005
S.E. Washington State

I'm in Yakima, and I've been scanning and monitoring since I was a pre teenager.

My Dad was the Deputy Fire Chief on Vashon Island, (60's thru 1974) and I had a Plectron in my room, so that is how I started.

I miss Vashon Island!

I'm a retired firefighter from over here on this side of the mountains, and my equipment consists of a Motorola MT-1000, Motorola HT-1250, Regency MX-3000, Uniden BR-330-T, Uniden BCT-15, and since I recently became a HAM, I have bought an Icom V-8000 mobile, an Icom IC-2100H mobile, a Yaesu VX-170 portable, and my newest portable as of yesterday, a Yaesu VX-7RB.

Any help you guys may need on Yakima County freqs let me know.



Oct 15, 2006
Spokane, Wa
After living in the Lynnwood, Silver Lake, Lake Stevens and Marysville areas for the last 13 Years, I've finally moved back to Spokane. My scanning experience started back when I was like 16 and sort of dwindled when I started working for the Spokane Police. Used a handheld scanner in my car to listen to State and County since I hated the 'tic-tic-tic' noise the Cruiser radio had in scan mode. I really got back into scanning when Seattle switched to a trunked system and left the west side after the Snohomish system phase 1 went live. Now being back in spokane after 20 years, and the purchase of some digital radios, I've found a whole new excitement for scanning again. There is a lot out there if you look around for it. Most of my scanners are listed in my Signature.


Jul 24, 2005
I just recently moved from Colorado Springs to Mount Vernon (Big Lake area). I started out scanning back in 73 or 74 while still in the Army. All of my current scanners are listed below. Scanning has been my most favorite and longest lasting hobby.



Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 18, 2005
Wavin From Spokane

Hi to all the Washington State group and more so the Spokanites :p
My name is Steve aka KD7KDC I am 25 and have lived in the spokane area
my whole life which to me seems kinda pathetic but thats another topic that
I won't go into now.
I got into the radio hobby when I was about 14 years old. My uncle had an
old uniden desktop scanner that I had started listening to a few years earlier.
My mom got me a RS Pro-70 for my birthday in 1997 and I spent many hours
listening to public safety and business orenented frequencies and then stummbled
across amateur radio on the VHF band.
In 1998 I was providing frequency updates to the deer park radio shack
frequency list and from that was contacted by Garry AB7NI who has been mentoring
me through the hobby ever since.
In 2000 I passed the no code tech exam for amateur radio service and have been having
a blast ever since. I have worked with the Spokane ARES/RACES group and
the Spokane County Sheriffs department as a volunteer in various capacities throughout
the past 8 years and have really enjoyed doing so.
My radio equipment is mostly moto portables and a few radio shack scanners and CBs.
My primary gear is a moto saber 2 in the UHF mid range a mt1000 in the 2m VHF range,
a spectra A4 mid range uhf, RS Pro 92 ver 1. I have 2 STX PP HTs and MTX810&820 HTs.
(2 ADI AR147+ 2m mobiles for sale)
I usually listen to the 443.8500 KD7IKZ repeater here in Spokane that is agumented with
echolink RoIP node number 216767 if you would like to contact me on the air.
I would like to set up some sort of ham scanner net here localy or through echolink.
I have a RoIP program for use with non ham stuff if anyone is interested in setting up
a commercial band wide area system.

73 for now
Myspace IM: Metallica78539
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Mar 26, 2007
Checking in again. I lurk here off and on. I got into scanning in the early 90's when my uncle bought a pro 2012 I think it is. He still has it. I used to borrow it when I was younger. I bought a bxt60 quite a few years back and used to listen to that till it ending up in a box. I found it last year when moving and found it didn't have that much action on it. Did some surfing and found I needed a trunk tracker. So I bought a pro-433.

I mostly listen to public safety since I can't put up a outdoor antenna. I do scan air too since I am close to Paine Field or what ever else I can pick up with a whip.
Jul 31, 2008
Issaquah, WA
Hello I am new to the forum and somewhat new to radio's for personal use. I am out here on the eastside in Issaquah. I have two handheld Radioshack Scanners and will be purcahsing my ham equipment soon as I am getting my license as soon as go and take the test. I will be joining the Issaquah CERT team as well and would like to learn more about what is around this area for repeaters ans local groups.


Jan 25, 2004
Austin, Texas. Actually born here!
Antenna Head in Marysville

I was on here for a while a year or so ago, just paid my dues and got back on line. I'm in Marysville, have a Pro97 and BC250D. Like listening to Public Safety and Marine traffic. Been a while, but it's good to be back.
Heard a pretty good car chase down in Bothell a week or so ago - dude in a white Explorer ALMOST got away, wrong way on 405, crashed the gates at U Dub Bot, but Bot PD caught up to him a couple of hours later... "You can run, but you can't hide"!
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