New Roll Call

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Rock or Something
Jun 19, 2002
Let's see...I'm in Puyallup, been listening on and off about 15 years, started with one of those 'world band' radios that had Kent (ValleyComm) marked on the VHF tuning dial at 155.685. Progressed to a Radio Shack Pro-41, then onto the venerable Uniden BC200xlt. Moved into trunking with a Uniden BC235xlt and then the Rat Shack Pro-94, which is still my personal candidate for 'Biggest Piece of Crap Radio EVER'. I upgraded the conventional side of things to a Uniden SC200, which I still use. Bought a close-out Radio Shack Pro-2027 for the nightstand as the sheriff's office I worked for was still VHF-high conventional, later moved it into my office. Recently bought a GRE PSR500, still having fun and tearing my hair out learning it.

A quick update:

I no longer have the Pro-2027, having loaned it out long-term, and I do most of my listening with the PSR-500, a tiny bit with the SC200. With new work and family commitments, I find very little time to monitor, but do run a logging/recording program sometimes.


Apr 21, 2009
Tacoma, WA
New Guy in Lakewood

I have always been interested so I finally took the plunge and bought a RS PRO-164 about 4 days ago. I am still in the "baffled" stage and really haven't got a clue. RS programmed a few frquencies into the radio. All I really wanted was LE/FD stuff but I also seem to have garbage collectors, some type of construction outfit and a few other things that I could do without.

I bought the 20-047 cable and Scancat software only to find out that the 20-047 cable does not work on a Vista64 machine so the Scancat software is pretty useless to me. Thats $80 down the drain.

Anyway, I am sorting through the huge amount of info on the still doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense to me...but the brain is absorbing a bit here and a bit there.

I'd love it if someone could PM me and maybe take an hour to teach me how to effectively use this PRO-164 or point me to a really basic beginners type area.

BTW...I'm retired Army and worked for WA State in one Enforcement capacity or another for about 11 years, then answered phones for Social Security for a couple of years (that was a killer). Now I'm retired and raising my 6 y/o son and having the time of my life.


DB Admin Member
Database Admin
Oct 29, 2005
Northwest, WA


Apr 21, 2009
Tacoma, WA
Wow...that is a lot more readable than the RS Manual. Thanks....still playing with it...trying to figure out how to install the WSP freq's without disturbing what I have. My wife says it's making my hair turn from gray to white....LOL. Thanks again.

LowBoy654...I will try what you have recommended. I have no comparitive data to determine what would work well for me as opposed to what wouldn't so I am basically taking peoples word on what will and what won't work. I was able to get the RS 20-047 cable working with Vista64 after doing a bunch of reading/reserching. Once I got the right combination of "clicks" and "downloads" from the FTDI website it all went fairly smoothly. While I was doing that all the Scancat stuff came in and I don't see anything for refunds so I am probably stuck with it. Thats OK...lesson learned..I ordered it before I was able to "use" this website. I guess I was impatient. Anyway, still learning...and are there any easy to read tutorials anywhere. AT linked me to a good manual which I will be browsing through over the next few days. I will DL the Win97 pgms and see what they are like. Thanks for your advice...please don't hesitate to send me more...LOL...Tx again.
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DB Admin Member
Database Admin
Oct 29, 2005
Northwest, WA
I kind of did the something bought scancat years ago when I got back into scanning, what a wast radio shack uses it because it can program a bunch of different scanners but does not cover everyone very well.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 9, 2009

I live in Everett and my first foray into any type of listening in on paper was when I was about ten or so and my grandpa had this big old portable shortwave radio and I think he had an old base scanner. This was in the 70's. I had a few Grundig shortwaves over the years and around 95 I bought the Uniden 220xlt which allowed me several years of cell phone conversation listening enjoyment. It was an unlocked model and I still have it

I don't get cell phone conversations anymore but I will keep it just because it is so simple to quickly scan a direct entry frequency or a range, etc.

My new toy is the bc346xt with the RS 800mhz antenna. I think it is overly complicated and lacks several basic features including a user friendly and in depth software package besides freescan/proscan....


Sep 24, 2007
The FCC stopped requiring cell providers to have analog 800 support, and many dropped it because it was expensive to maintain.

For your 346X, try bcTool. I don't know if anyone has tried it with the 346X yet, but I'll bet it works. Browse through the Uniden forum for hints. It's free, and I like it better than Freescan. It is a bit buggy though. I'm not sure if development has halted since it's been a while since the last release.

Also, your 346X should have a direct tune feature (my 396 does). Press HOLD to hold on a fequency or talkgroup if you're already scanning. Enter the frequency and press HOLD again. If you want to store it (in the Quick Save Conventional group), press Enter. To resume, press SCAN. Also, while held on the frequency, you can use the knob to step up and down.
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